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Reporting a concern

It can be difficult to know what to do if you think a child is at risk. It’s important to remember that if you’ve spotted things that don’t seem right, others will have too. Speaking up can make sure that child gets help as soon as possible.


The sooner you contact your local children’s social care duty team, the quicker they can act. They’re available 24 hours a day, and can make an anonymous report if that feels safer. If a child is in immediate danger, please call the police straight away by dialling 999.


Report child abuse or neglect to your local council

Use these links to get in touch with your local council:

Changing when I see...
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[Solved] Changing when I see my son

Active Member Registered

Hi everyone

Really need advice on asking my son mother to change when I have my boy. At the moment I have him every Friday from school till Monday morning drop him off to school and every other Tuesday from school till Wednesday I drop my 5 year old boy back to his mother at 7. My old job role would let me but last couple of months I've been given a new role doing 6 till 6 Monday to Friday and my father is helping me with pick up and drop off.

I afraid my father is doing too much with work and my boy.

My boys mother will argue with me about she works too and can not help me when I ask to change days to just Friday and Saturday nights.

Would I need to arrange mediation or go to court?
Any advice I would really appreciate it

Topic starter Posted : 05/01/2018 1:08 pm
Trusted Member Registered

You are lucky enough to have the opposite problem to most single dads.

I don't think you can go to court to ask for less time with your children.

Posted : 05/01/2018 4:32 pm
Illustrious Member Registered

Hi there

I'm assuming there's no court order in place and that your current arrangement was by agreement.

It difficult when a routine has been established, but people's lives never stay the same and it's up to separated parents to try and be flexible when situations change, and work together to find a solution. Instead of saying you can't have him, you could try and explain the change and the fact that you have no control over it, and ask if she has any suggestions on how to make it work, perhaps he can go into an after school club on Friday, or a childminder and you could pick him up from there. Your dad would only have the drop off to school on the Monday morning then... it's a compromise but might be a solution for you.

Otherwise it's mediation and then court for a Child Arrangements Order, if mediation fails, which would be a great pity, as you've managed to get a workable schedule in place without the interference of an outside body... court should always be the last resort, much better if you can find a solution without it.

All the best

Posted : 06/01/2018 2:05 am

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