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my situation is after ex ran off with kids, i was allowed to see them every saturday for couple of hours. but ex said no to overnights as they are not ready for that apparently. the times i was seeing the kids was changing on a weekly basis (reducing), so i had enough and took this to court. ex raised allegations as well as lot of false rubbish.
i admitted to cafcass the stuff that did happen, and that it was a few years ago. cafcass didn't see any child safeguarding issues so they made a load of recommendations and they were in my favour. only rubbish part was cafcass did not recommend mid-week overnights, I assume after being swayed by my ex, or because of kids ages; 5 and 2. so if i didn't go to court i would see summers going by, and not being able to have decent days out with my kids.
Typical, she will claim domestic abuse etc. You do know they encourage parents to make domestic abuse? How long has you case been going on for? So you don't have interim contact order?
You will be very lucky to get more than 1 night per week and most likely you will have supervised access where you pay money to the contact centre. 50% of courts orders are not enforced or fathers give up after they run out of money. This is a one sided system.
court is over. first hearing was end of jan. and 3rd/final hearing was mid may. ex did try and get me to see kids in contact centre and pay for it lol. didnt work. why should i do that when theres no risk to the children. i got a standard arrangement. fri-sun every other weekend. same with mid-week contact but for few hours after school. 2 weeks during summer holidays and ex has to give up passports when i want to take them abroad. i didnt ask for half of school holidays as i would not be available for most of it. am self-employed.
yes i know that solicitors like to encourage women to make allegations, so that they can get legal aid and start doing work for them. my ex did it. i grassed her up to legal aid agency and had it revoked.
Wow. Are you serious? How did you do this? Did you represent yourself? Are you ok for a phone chat and it be nice to know how you got through this
its easy. Legal Aid Agency Counter Fraud and Investigations
i used solicitor and barristers so was quite costly.
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- Many of the moderators do so on a voluntary basis. Whilst they may be able to provide some guidance, advice or support, they may not be able to deal with specifics.
- We are not an emergency crisis service so if you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call emergency services.
- If you are concerned about the safety of a child, please click here to find the support you can get for them (link to new page)
- If you are in crisis, please call Samaritans on 116 123. They are open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
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