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[Solved] Stressed dad

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Have just been to court for my third heaning, my ex has now, with many other mud slinging remarks made out I'm an alcoholic and ndado have to undergo a liver function test. This is costing us £225 each. Has anybody else had this test? Any info/ advice greatly appreciated. I am more than happy to have this test at ANY time but do not think I should have to pay half, although I did agree in the last hearing to do this as I would do anything to see more of my twins. (I attend the gym 4times a week, have run half marathon,10ks etc). Take good care of myself, but do like a sociable drink on the weekend. I found the judge today to be very much in favour of my ex.

Basically I'm seeing my twins every other weekend and one evening in the week, I'm seeking shared custody, in your experience lads what would you say my chances are? I have bought a house with my new partner, who my kids ADORE, a mile away, and work full time flexi hours. Cafcass are going to interview my kids who are 9, as my kids are asking to see me more.

Previously when they were born, for the first four years I worked part time,as did their mum, and was a stay at home dad until a year after they first attended school.

Feeling pretty low today as I'm unsure what will be the outcome, they, and I'm sure a lot of you guys can relate to this, are my world.

I'm now back in court on the 5th November, any help guys would be invaluable to me.

Many thanks in advance.

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

I have to say you are quite lucky from my experience - I made my ex have a Liver Function Test, and she had to pay for the whole thing (mind you there were other things I ended up paying for which were far more expensive).

The liver function test shows up long term damage to the liver, the main test being the GGT - a high reading shows liver damage and is a good indicator of alcohol abuse. Occasional nights out should not give a high result. It's worth googling the tests, and the lab I know of is the Trimega Lab (there are plenty of others, it's just the one I know about) and there should be plenty of information about what is measured and what the results mean.

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Posts: 13

hi sorry i have not come across this liver function test before, but this is really outrages if a an ex can ask for one and the court just allow it and then you have to pay any to it. I am sadly going to say my experience of courts is, like you say in favor of the ex' with children at home (mainly women).

The good thing though is your twins want to see more of you and that goes for you, I wish you all the luck m8, because don't get me wrong some men, ex's deserve to be hounded if they wont pay towards bringing up their children, but the most of us who's only crime was to not want to be with the ex any more, but get all the shite of courts, and not seeing our child/ren until the mother says or courts says and then been left broke watch week is soooo wrong.

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

hi sorry i have not come across this liver function test before, but this is really outrages if a an ex can ask for one and the court just allow it and then you have to pay any to it.

The courts would generally only ask for this if they think it's necessary - in my case, all evidence pointed to alcohol abuse by my ex, but she was flatly denying it - perhaps that's why she had to pay for it (and it did produce an overwhelming result showing abuse) - I suppose if the court isn't convinced, that might be why they say you only pay half, that way the person asking has a financial commitment to asking for the test.


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