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Posts: 104
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Joined: 6 years ago

Hi everyone.. Just an update. So I won my court case last week. A 3 day fact finding hearing, all her allegations against me were completely dismissed. Her two witnesses were dismissed out of court for basically lying under oath. My 6 Scott schedule allegations against her were upheld as truth.. My PSO application was granted and she was given 2 penal notices attached, one for her insistance to not allow me to see our children, the second being a flight risk. So yesterday I was called by the headteacher of my childrens primary school. She was asked by my ex if she had any objecttions to take our children abroad without telling me. The head, she absolutely had objections to it as its in school time.. Mmmmm.... My ex lied in court about the dates. I called the police and after much detail, the police gave an all ports alert warning on her. For 3 years!!! I had to send the court order to the police, and it clearly states she's a flight risk. So I was given an immediate access to my children unrestricted and unsupervised. However my Barrister asked the judge, to allow me to have supervised contact in a contact centre to facilitate my children gain a relationship again with me, after 8 months. I agreed and the judge said she wants it noted that I pose no risk in any way.. I've filled in the referal forms, now I wait for her to do her bit?? The cost is outrageous.. £180 an hour, plus £120for the referal forms.. Im just asking If she dont turn up, should I go straight to court for enforcement? Bearing in mind, judge said immediate access to my children... Thanks guys, hope your all doing OK...

6 Replies
Posts: 5412
Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago

hi devo,

must it be in a contact centre? why not a local coffee shop or library? your right those fees are ridiculous.

Posts: 702
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Joined: 6 years ago

It cant be in a coffee shop or a library as nobody to supervise it. But if judge said unsupervised he could of gone unsupervised for a few hours a couple of times to re establish relationship with children.

Your be surprised even after a years absence how after 10-15 mins they are fine and things go back to how they were when you last saw them pretty quickly.

Your barrister shouldn't of asked for supervised and why wasn't your ex partner to be asked to pay half the cost so it would be £150 in total instead of £300

Posts: 359
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Joined: 5 years ago

Hi Devo, have a look around if there are any cheaper centres available if the cost is too much. I never think oyu should have to pay to see your kids, but it is worth it. I had three meetings at a contact centre and they charged £96 for the two hours. I did ask them if my wife did not turn up what would happen, they said if she does not turn up or cancel a meeting with less than 24 ours notice, they will charge her for it as they have to pay for member of staff to sit in.

Just keep in mind, if she does not turn up, stay calm, tell your barrister/solicitor and take it back to court as it will show she is not sticking to the order and is being obstructive.

Posts: 11890
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Joined: 15 years ago

I would also put in that if she cancels with less than 24 hours notice, then she is liable for the cancellation cost - that might focus her mind on attending.

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