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[Solved] Single mum looking for advice

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Can your son read?

If not an exercise book where you can simply write any useful bits of factual information about your son while he's in your care can be passed back and forth between you. (Many child minders do this but they put in observations)

Take a photo of the messages you just write in case the other parent decides to rip out pages, destroy the book or be otherwise destructive. The reason to only start it if your son can't read is to see if it works.

Posts: 71
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Hi Greengage

Thanks for your reply. That's a good Idea not sure if my ex will go with it but it's definitely a good suggestion. Thanks

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the court put something like that into my order. as ex is silly and does not want direct contact. they said can communicate with a 'contact book'. shes not doing that and i am not bothered. she passes on messages through her brother. what can you do when people act retarded. just move on with life....

i got told off by cafcass during court proceedings. one day daughter asked me can she stay the night (ex refuses all overnights). i said i don't know, ask your mum. so when she did, her mum cried to cafcass lol. to me that seemed pretty harmless. cafcass said dont use kids to pass any messages. can put them in middle of conflict and create divided loyalties. and other time i got told off simply because i told the kids we can go disney land one day. i got accused of making false promises to kids :p

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Perhaps write a letter and ask the third party to hand it over?

Explain that passing messages via your son is not acceptable and either you need to communicate via text or email or through the third party.

Perhaps add that unless his contact becomes consistent, you will have no hesitation in returning to court to vary the order and either have a schedule added or apply for no contact.

It has to be what is in the best interests of your child and not what suits the parents.

With regard to maintenance, just go via CMS - so much easier.

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