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[Solved] Reported for dv

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Posts: 11
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Joined: 5 years ago


I have been charged with three accounts of common assault against my ex.

I’m absolutely traumatised and broken by this.
I’m so scared I will never see my child again.

I have to go to magistrates court on the 4th of November regarding the charges and I have family court booked for the 17th of November for a cao.

Has anyone else been charged for domestic abuse and have been allowed to see their child? I have a clean record prior to this.

What’s the likelihood of being allowed some sort of contact at family court?

I’m really at breaking point and struggling to cope.

Posts: 35
Eminent Member
Joined: 5 years ago

Hi mate, sorry to hear this. False allegations is common for women, you need to stay strong

There are a few websites with some advice e.g

Posts: 53
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Joined: 8 years ago


Sorry to hear about your issue's, the first hearing does not really do much try to get an interim order for a contact centre, that will be the best you can hope for, the court will ask for a section 7 (lots of information in here) then you will go back to court.

If you do get convinced the section 7 will probably go against you I'm afraid, if this happens you need to ask to go on a dvpp course, for this you must admit that you did something, if not they will not let you on the course and it will probably make seeing your child more difficult.

Please don't take my messages as negative the cao process is one where you are guilty of until proven innocent, jump through the hoops and you will get to see your child

Good luck

Posts: 11
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Joined: 5 years ago

Thank you for the reply.

It’s absolutely heartbreaking the thought of not being able to see my child.

If convicted how long would it be until I could have proper unsupervised access to my son?

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Joined: 6 years ago


its very difficult to tell. they may allow something like you seeing your child in contact centre, for 1 or 2 hours. under strict supervision. thats not guaranteed but could be something like this. you should expect to be asked to go on some kind of course, domestic violence etc.

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