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[Solved] Report a psychologist to Health Care Professional Council

Posts: 2
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Joined: 7 years ago

I am in family court on a child arrangement matter. My ex has now accused me of domestic abuse, causing her leading to depression. This is not true. In order to make her case, she came to court with a letter from a psychologist( who I know to be her friend) saying that she is depressed because of my actions. I pointed out to the judge that this psychologist is my ex's friend, lives some 100 mile away, practices in a different NHS trust from where our GP is and my ex was not referred by her GP (would not really have been referred to a different NHS trust anyway) to see a psychologies. The judge was somewhat sympathetic to my argument but her focus was on the children (and rightly so). Attempt to ask that the psychologist, who did not come to court, be ordered to come to court was ignored.

My question is, having read the mood of the court that the court will just ignore the letter and focus on the children, could I report this psychologist to her professional body and use the evidence provided by my ex? I am asking because evidence in family court are supposed to not be disclosed to the public.

There is a big part of me that just wanted to move on but, I know that health professionals like this, writing letters to the court in order to help a friend fraudulently, harm children and it is an attempt to defeat the end of justice.

2 Replies
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Hi there

There's nothing to stop you reporting her to the professional body, if you feel strongly enough, but I feel that your better concentrating on the court case and your kids right now. Perhaps when the case is over, you could take it up with the appropriate authority.

The court won't take action against the mother for involving her friend, and as you've said, the judge will ignore the letter, so I'd listen to the big part of yourself that's telling you to move on.

All the best

Posts: 2
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Joined: 7 years ago

Thanks for taking time to reply. You are right, I will just let this pass.



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