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Pick up from school

Active Member Registered

Hi everyone 

I am in a dilemma, I am a non resident parent with parental responsibilities. My daughter is 6 and I am down in her school profile.

Question 1:

Unfortunately my ex wife has me down in the school as “not allowed to pick up “

my daughter from school I spoke to the school and they can’t do nothing about it as the mother is the resident parent.

can anybody help me if there is anything I can do in this matter.?

Question 2:

my ex wife partner is on as a guardian on the school for my daughter and he is allowed to pick up my daughter, again the school don’t want to do anything when I spoke about this either. 
My ex’s partner was put down in my daughter’s profile at the school without me knowing anything at all until I found this on the school app called Arbor . What shall I do. 
please I need help in regards to my 2 questions as I don’t know what to do. 
thank you in advance. 

Topic starter Posted : 31/05/2024 7:35 pm
Illustrious Member


Do you have a court order? Has there been any problems at school, for you to be not allowed to collect kids?

Posted : 31/05/2024 8:33 pm
Active Member Registered



I don’t have any court order 

I have made an application c100 for child arrangement with a first hearing in coming July.

there has been no issues at all I am all clean in all sort wether police or domestic violence or any child safety and welfare. 

i have been to the school for parent meetings Xmas play I am well kept informed with the progress of my child by school emails in a regular basis.

the senior liason officer says that all i have to do is to inform the mother and the mother shall inform the school that I will be picking up my daughter. But the ex wife doesn’t allow me at all for pick up. Also I have no more contact with my child now.

only contact happened after 3 month in early December last year and a video call in mid April 2 weeks before my daughters 6th birthday. 

Topic starter Posted : 31/05/2024 8:52 pm
Illustrious Member

ok so for 1st hearing I suggest you write a position statement, and mention your parental responsibility and to be allowed to collect child from school. 

Posted : 01/06/2024 1:05 pm
Active Member Registered


Thank you Bill, i really appreciate the time you took to answer my query

Back to my question number 2 from my initial message , is there anything that can be done? Thanks 

Topic starter Posted : 01/06/2024 1:28 pm
Illustrious Member

@kunal1403 you can try book a meeting with head teacher to try sort this out. If you don't get anywhere, this is another issue you should raise in court.

Posted : 02/06/2024 11:51 am
Active Member Registered

@bill337 thank you Sir

Topic starter Posted : 03/06/2024 11:52 am

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