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I Can't Do This Anymore

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Hi All, I am new to the forum and never posted before. I have an 18 month old daughter and have only seen here 4 times in the last year for a total of approx 20 minutes. I am in reality a stranger to her.

My ex and I separated when our daughter was 3 months old, and ever since I have been battling via the courts to see her. I have been accessed of DA however the court can see this is false and there are no safeguarding issues. I have had 4 court hearings and the ex does not give an inch and openly says she does not wand our daughter to have a relationship wit me. My ex is a nasty piece of work only thinking of herself and that means there is no room for me in my daughters life, she no doubt will never stop the battle, especially as she has legal aid due to raising false allegations.

At the last hearing I thought I was making progress and had a good interim order in place to start in the new year where an independent social worker would assist with building a relationship between me and my daughter. It felt like a heavy mental weight was starting to lift. 

I have just been delivered a bomb shell as my ex is relocating to Sunderland  and we live in Exeter. My mental state over this last year has taken me to dark places and now I am right back there. I am mentally and financially broke and need to get my life back on track. How can I continue with my daughter living so far away, rent, the cost of living, cms takes all of my wages with nothing left. he logistics of the situation is impossible.

In reality my ex knows she will have to let my daughter see me and therefore has fled to the other end of the country with her where her auntie lives.

The thought of carrying on this battle and getting nowhere will take its toll on me and ruin me. I feel the better option is to walk away, but that too will ruin me.

This post I feel is a cry for help as the future appears so bleak and filled with sadness and disappear. Apologies for sounding broken.

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sorry to hear this. can you get in touch with the social worker to inform her of the move, they may be able to give advice.

when is your next court hearing? if you think her moving away is not imminent, you could consider seeking an urgent hearing to try prevent this move.

if it does go ahead, then you could ask court to get her to do 50/50 on travel, handovers going forward.

if your feeling down, please talk to someone. you can call samaritans anytime for free on 116 123.

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@dadmod2 the move is imminent and in the morning I am going to the court to ask for an ex parte hearing PSO to stop my daughter moving away.

I am not just saying it but my ex is vile, and  she could not care less about my daughter knowing how I am. Until now she has manged to stop or put an end to any contact my daughter has had with me. As a result I am a stranger to her so any contact will have to be progressive, however with such a potential distance between us the logistics will be unworkable, ie I could travel for 5 or so hours to see my daughter for 15 minutes and travel back. That's assuming the ex would for once play ball.  I just cant see how it is feasible, and she knows it. 

I need to pull all my strength together for tomorrow for one last chance when I apply in person for the PSO. Please can someone tell me what the process is once I get to the courts to apply for the Urgent ex parte PSO? I have completed the C2 and my witness statement along with exhibits being the court order and the position statements of us both from the hearing two weeks ago. 

@dadmod2 thank you for the advise and suggested links.

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@ric19 you can hand in the c2 form at court. make sure you made mention of prohibited steps order in it. costs £255. hopefully your court is manned and someone will be at the counter/reception.

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@dadmod2 I am running out of time. Is it likely a judge will hook at it tomorrow. I will need to serve the papers to my ex and only have a few days until she relocated? 
I have no idea of the process that’s why it’s an ex parte pso I’m seeking

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Im sorry you are in this situation and sadly it’s not unusual but that won’t be any consolation.  Try to find help with your well-being.  You could see your doctor or use the NHS talking therapies.  There is support out there. Dadsunlimited is a possibility and there are guides on which will explain a prohibited steps order to prevent her moving away

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  • Hi, I think it will be a busy day for the Court following the Christmas break,  but nevertheless they still need to work and function as normal.  I think urgent applications will be heard and I think ex parte cases will be on the priority list. I think from what you have explained so far, you are highly likely to get the pso. The only thing that could become an obstacle and I am just guessing here, is the ongoing case still being open and has a cafcass officer allocated etc..I honestly don't know if that may muddle things up? Otherwise I think you've got good grounds for a pso. I wonder if it is worth considering a court bailiff serves the order to prevent any DA allegations arising? I am not convinced that (from your account as to how your ex has responded so far) your ex will comply with PSO, so you you may still have a battle ahead. I hope you get a positive outcome x
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@theotherside thank you for your insight and advice. What a stressful day it has been. I managed to get the pso and an independent process server to serve the papers. Hopefully this could happen today. My ex does switch between two different homes, and I do not want her to get wind of the process server in advance so she cant go and hide.

I need to try and switch off now and long for a good nights sleep. 

This site has really helped these last few days. 

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@ric19 if you need further advice you can contact me. sending you private message.


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