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[Solved] Housing

Posts: 1
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Joined: 7 years ago

Hi guys an new to the site but could do with some advise, Be married for 20 years two kids 18-year-old lad 13-year-old girl live in a bungalow that’s been adopted for the wife who is disabled I’ve been a full-time carer for four years .
we split up three weeks ago ,she is saying she been unhappy for two years and doesn’t want to be with me anymore .
I am back at my moms at the moment, we spoke to the kids last night and my oldest lad wanted to live with me full-time my little girl wants to live with me 50% of the time ,
Easiest solution would be for me to move back into the property and the wife moves out ( she has agreed to do what is easiest for the kids if that means moving out ), as it would be less messing about on the kids , She could then apply to the local housing for a two bedroom bungalow/apartment as she wouldn’t be on the tenancy agreement anymore and classed as homeless.
I have applied to have the child benefit into my name so that links my girl to me my 18-year-old lad is in college receive no benefits for him .
Does any body know how the housing situation is , regarding having kids 50% it’s would only be the girl the lad doesn’t really want to visit her , the local housing company rang me today as am meant to be coming off the Tenancy agreement and said its a bit of a mind fileld ,
She is saying she will need to attach me lad with her so she can apply for a 2 bed , and then I would be hit with bedroom tax , and maybe classed as under occupied .

2 Replies
Posts: 8551
Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago

Hi there

I’m sorry to hear about your split, it must be a tough time for you all.

Unless a child is living with a parent full time, housing associations don’t usually make allowances for an extra bedroom for a child that only visits.

It might also be difficult for your wife to get rehoused if she leaves as I think they classify that as making yourself intentionally homeless.

As the property has been adapted for her needs, wouldnt it make more sense for her to stay and for you and your son to find other accommodation?

I can see problems ahead as far as the benefits are concerned, if the daughter stays on with the Mum she will want to claim the benefits for her.

Good luck sorting this out and let us know how you get on.

Posts: 11890
Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago

I would go to see citizens advice bureau as they may be able to offer decent advice on this.

As mojo says, if she leaves voluntarily, then she is making herself homeless and she may have more difficulty, so it may be that you have to agree that you have thrown her out, and possibly your daughter also - that might get her a high priority for a two bedroom and you may well get the bedroom tax. Otherwise, if your wife gets a two bed house and both children are classed as living with you, then your wife would get bedroom tax, so I don't think you are going to avoid that. But I think CAB will be able to give you the best direction on this.


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