2 homes, one priority: your child - Join the free Parenting After Separation course
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2 homes, one priority: your child - Join the free Parenting After Separation course
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[Solved] Hi everyone

Posts: 2
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(@Shady Alibi)
New Member
Joined: 7 years ago

Just saying hi folks. I’ve followed this board for some time before deciding to sign up as I felt I could really benefit from participating in the community here and chatting to other dads.

I’ll write a blog soon enough but in short I’m a 40 year old father from Northern Ireland. I’ve been separated from my ex and two year old son for over two years now and have successfully gone through the courts for both contact and parental responsibility. Along the way I’ve had to endure hostilities, false allegations, CMS, Social Services, repeated breaches of my contact order (five and counting) not to mention my ex who seems [censored] bent on denying my son his father. I finally managed to get my name on my son’s birth certificate two months ago through the court order I obtained last year. Shortly after this (and despite telling my ex in advance I was re-registering his birth) she pulled all contact again. At present I’ve applied for a court summons (again) against my ex for contempt. In the past the summons have been refused by her and I fully expect the same to happen again. However I am determined to see this through and ensure my son has his access to me fully preserved and honoured.

I’ve recently become involved with an exellent initiative through Parenting NI called the Dad’s Project which offers seperated Dads support and guidance on a range of issues. I will be sitting on both the support and steering groups.

To everyone fighting to both see and be involved with their children keep on doing what you’re doing. Every child needs a father and we are in no way either inferior or second class parents. Let no-one disuade you or put you off in your efforts no matter who they are and what the motives may be. Stand firm.

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Posts: 11890
Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago

Hi and welcome. Glad you joined in on here - sounds like your experiences could benefit others, and hopefully we can help you also.

Posts: 8551
Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago

Hi Shady and welcome to the forum

We're always open to new members that want to share their experiences... I'm not sure how much the process differs in NI and it will be useful to learn more about it.


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