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[Solved] Final hearing caffcass recommendation refused please help

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Hi bill ... no it's just mallicious lies the allegations she had made also apprently happened 4-6 years ago .. I have never been arrested and she has never reported nothing to police other than text messages I sent when I had been stopped previously from seeing my son... which I admitted in court I shouldn't of sent ..but in my defence they were not threatening etc just frustrated rants as a result of not being allowed a Dad... even the police said they could understand my frustration and only came as a duty of care and just told me to leave it out..

Posts: 5412
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its odd, usually they would ask for a fact finding hearing. did that happen?
not sure what other options there are. you can seek legal advice. maybe make an appeal application. is there any chance your ex will let you see your child more often gradually? what are her family like? can you reason with them or perhaps get them to talk some sense into your partner?

Posts: 13
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Yea they did have a fact finding hearing but again there was no evidence related to these allegations... they just said they believed her more so on the balance of probability... its total [censored] that they judge things in this manner relating to criminal allegations in a family court what happend to innocent until proven guilty ?? My ex's family are pretty much on her side no matter what ... shes said I can see him more but shes basically standing by the whole DV thing and saying unless I get help I ain't seeing him more ... bearing in mind also I had seen my son consistently since birth now all of a sudden am a danger etc etc its mad the courts become so blinded by this [censored] .. it's like the shittest dramatic acting ever and 5 professional people eat it up

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Only thing you can do is to proceed with supervised contact 1 hour at your mums to keep contact active. Then if you choose to email cafcass asking if you can go on the course recommended. If you don't do course they recommended you wont be able to see your kids more regular as fact finding hearing went against you

Posts: 5412
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if cafcass have closed their case, then they will probably not be interested any more. you could see what courses are out there, try find something reasonably priced. let your ex know and see what she thinks.

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