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has anyone represented themselves at a final hearing
how does it all go?
are the judges /judge really listening to you or does Cafcass have the final say all the time?
Hi Dave, I had mine recently, thankfully they gave my ex a bit of s dressing down as she was being unreasonable. cafcass will put their thoughts across, if you have had a section 7 report done, usually the author of that report will attend court too to give their views. I had the added benefit of seeing my children at a contact centre before the final hearing, and the reports where great and really positive.
Have you been seeing you children during the previous hearings at all? What is the concern from the ex about you seeing the kids? Is it crime, Mental health drugs, violence? You can usually get a good understanding about where cafcass sit when you look at the section 7 report. They said in mine that the children should be introduced back to their father as soon as possible as it is not fair on them.
Sorry, also, you may want to look at getting represented for this final hearing. Solicitors tend to try and bully you if you are not.
But hold firm, if you feel you should see your kids 50% of the time, you ask for it and get your ex to show why this should not be allowed. It is the kids that should be considered, not what ever has happened between you and your ex
my son has had 7 contact at contact centre the reports were brilliant
cafcass were involved nov 18 as my grand daughter 4 1/2 then made allegations against mum this was in the caffcass office with only her and the caffcass officer involved caffcass officer said my son had coached her , so no unsupported contact
mum has just said at hearings no evidence i agree with caff cass
ewe have two day hearing this week as caffcass disputed psychologist report [ she was number 4 in country] so last hearing delayed
caffcass have interviewed my wife and i but tried to put pressure on us to say my son was trouble which we did not say
he is representing himself done his position statement her one said nothing other than high lighting bits of text from my son to her no other points . strange
caff cass lady is the one we are worried about as she is anti male
the judge will take the contact centre notes as positive and this will work in your favour.
Regarding cafcass, I had the exact same feeling as you, she was quite rude to me and trying to make out i was a bad person. After the report and the final hearing, cafcass were really on my side too. I remember my dad saying to me (as he was outside the cafcass office when I was interviewed) he said "I think she was just trying too push your buttons to see how you would react" he said he could hear how she was talking to me and her tone, and thought it was harsh. I do think they were trying to get a reaction out of me as this is what my ex said would happen. Once cafcass officer read the contact centre notes, she was well on my side then. My ex was trying to stop me seeing the kids for 5 years, but i will be seeing them un supervised in a month or so,
As you will be going un represented, the judge will allow you speak for yourself. Just keep calm and reasonable. All you care about is your kid, and you just want things to be normal. There are no concerns raised by the contact centre and you should progress to un supervised contact for a couple of months then discuss over night stays after that?
good luck with it all.
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