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[Solved] Fathers rights

Posts: 2
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Joined: 13 years ago

I am going to be a dad for the first time but i have split from the mother after only a short time together. I never expected to get her pregnant so quick so all unexpected for me. My ex lives in hampshire and i have moved back to suffolk and i don't drive. After arguing repeatedly and a long and painful conversation on facebook my ex is now threatening to stop me from being able to see my child even though its not due till 1st feb. Please, please please can someone help me, i am getting ill throught the worry and need to know where i stand. Thankyou for anyone who can help me.

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Estimable Member
Posts: 152


Welcome to Dadtalk & Congratulations that you'll soon be a Dad.

There are lots of legal things you can do if your ex does go through with her threats, e.g. contacting the Children's Legal Centre for advice. However, at this stage I wonder whether you can try working things out together. You still have a fair ammount of time to go & wonder whether just suggesting you give each other some space for a while & arrange to get together to chat things through in a month or so? I can understand your concern & worry. If you feel you are not coping well you may want to consider making an appointment with your Doctor & chatting things through.

For further advice on Dadtalk, post your questions on the Legal Eagle section of this Forum, if you haven't already done so, or one that's most relevant to the subject your talking about.

Joined: 15 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

hi and welcome

I agree with SC that a cooling off period is a good idea. I would avoid facebook to have conversations as I think it's too easy to react on fb in a way that you wouldn't normally - I would use email instead and think carefully before you send a reply, remember it's possible that if you end up trying for a contact order in court, everything you say and write could end up before the court, so make sure there is nothing that can be held against you.

Once you have cooled off, it may be worth considering mediation, but it may be possible to see if you can sort something out with a friend present to keep things calm.

Joined: 13 years ago

New Member
Posts: 2

I am grateful for the replies i have had regarding my situation. Saying that i know my ex well enough to know that no matter what i do she will do her best to be difficult. I understand the concerns regarding communicating via facebook but as i changed my number it is the only way to talk and it is only once a week. I have watched everything i have said and sent the conversations to my e-mail account in case its needed later on. I am hoping that she will cool down with time but that is being hopeful. Thanks again for all replies they have helped to ease my concerns.

Joined: 14 years ago

Noble Member
Posts: 1072

Hi There,

Keeping everything is a good idea, May be use Facebook private message function to send messages instead of chat and that way you will have time to think and digest what has been said before answering/replying.

I also agree that maybe you need to allow some time for her to calm down.

But one thing to keep in mind is that no matter how difficult she can be, you are in the right to see your child, and your child has a right to have you in thier life.



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