Free online course for separated parents
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Free online course for separated parents
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Dap course

New Member Registered
  • Hi first time writing something so don't know how it works.
  • I'm.havjng issues trying to find a dapp course as all or.kost need referrals from cafcas.
  • Cafcas wouldn't refer ad they don't do this anymore.
  • I have indirect contact atm untill I can sort a course out.
  • I havnt seen ny daughter in almost 5 years now apart from out and about with My you youngest down the park.
  • Anyone know the best way or course to get this done? I've tryed sk many places.
  • Thanks Rob
Topic starter Posted : 13/09/2024 3:29 pm
Illustrious Member


Have you looked into courses:

-  Caring Dads

- BBR (Building Better Relationships).

These courses are commonly accepted by courts.

Try speak to your local council. A dad told me his local council said would fund his course.



Posted : 13/09/2024 5:40 pm

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