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[Solved] Dad's before magistrates

Posts: 1
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Joined: 7 years ago

Dear everyone,

I am very new to this forum and I hope that I can reach many.

I am a divorced father and have 4 children between the ages 6 and 16. My divorce and establishing a child arrangement order has been unfortunately a very difficult and ugly one. Today once again I have been before a magistrate court and it has been now the second time that I have felt bullied, pre-judged and discriminated as being the father in the proceedings. I highly appreciate the efforts to identify all sorts of discrimination, but I can't find any listing with regards to being discriminated as a Father seeking child contact. Furthermore I am astonished that matters of such complexity can be put before magistrates with no legal background and I am looking for some statistics in so many areas.

I believe it is time to make a bigger deal deal out of this. Is there anybody with similar experiences and do you guys have any ideas how to bundle our efforts to bring increased awareness to this ?

I look forward to hearing from you all.

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Joined: 14 years ago

There are organisations out there already trying to highlight the problems.... Families Need Fathers and Fathers4Justice to name just two.

Most peoples perception of Fathers4Justice is guys chaining themselves to railings or scaling buildings dressed in superhero costumes.....most probably have never heard of Families Need Fathers but they do seem to be more "Law abiding" and seem less of a joke.

The FnF forums are pretty good too.


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