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[Solved] Child Arrangement Orders

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My ex has ignored orders issued which require her to provide a correspondence address, so that I can communicate with my 13 year old daughter. Not helped by my daughter who I have not been allowed to speak to for over 2 years having been indoctrinated to not want to have anything to do with me. My ex wrote and said that if any correspondence were received it would not be opened. It would be destroyed. Again this contravenes the order. The court in issuing the order also recited that mother should encourage contact between the 13 year old and her 19 year old sister (our second daughter). This also is being ignored. Apart from very occasional texts the girls have no contact since a telephone call between them 8 months ago. The 19 year old has been alienated due to her refusal to take sides. I go to court next month having tolerated this situation for far to long. My concern is the emotional impact this will be having upon the 13 year old. I have to accept that for now she does not want a relationship with myself or her sister. In basic terms I am very p***** off at the game of Russian roulette being played with the 13years development. Who a previous a Court was told does not need a dad because she is intelligent. Cafcass have been ordered to prepare a safeguarding report. What that entails I can only guess.

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hope court goes well for you. but sadly there has been many cases like this. due the childrens ages, court will probably say along the lines of they exhausted every means to help promote child contact, and children are not interested in contact.and mother being a problem. then case gets closed.

Posts: 2
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Joined: 5 years ago

You are confirming my basic expectation. Thank you.


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