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[Solved] CAFCASS interview

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Hi all, I have already posted, (something went wrong and i couldnt log on) on an alternative account, about my upcoming CAFCASS telephone interview.

Does anyone get the feeling they don't listen to us dads and that we are all 'wife beaters'? Or is it just me?

So at the initial hearing, where the CAFCASS report was ordered, the mother of my children sited some domestic abuse concerns and also my mental health, as she feels my decision making could be impaired.
Now, as yet, I have not been able to defend myself formally. The CAFCASS officer was basically reading from her initial application. How can this be? Why are we not able to defend ourselves and put situations into some sort of context?

The mother of my child is now in a volatile relationship, where the police have been called on at least one occasion, she also, along with five other people, conspired to take my two children, with force, from inside the property of my parents, yet they do not appear to take anything but what she has said into consideration!

Now I am facing another 12 weeks of having to have supervised contact with the children of whom used to stay with me almost every weekend, usually overnight, without any issues.

It just isnt a fair system!

3 Replies
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Hi there

What exactly was the problem with login on your previous account? I can ask Admin to look int it. Did you try to reset the password, and what did the page say when you tried to log in?

I’m sorry that you don’t feel you have been listened to, sometimes it does feel that way, but you will be given the opportunity to put your side.

The police involvement will be mentioned in the CAFCASS report, basically that’s what it for, to tell the court about any safeguarding issues.

You can prepare a brief position statement to give the court a little more background to your case, no more than two pages.

All the best

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My ex said alsorts about me to Cafcass, that used to hit her and that I emotionally abuse my children and I was really worried about not getting say. But when we went to court we had to speak to Cafcass before our hearing, I was given the opportunity to give my side of the story and I even produced a mini statement with evidence to prove none of what she said was true.

Was the interview for a section 7 report? if so they will also talk to the children ( if old enough) and any professionals linked to the children, like teachers and health visitors.

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My case is now very old, but when I dealt with cafcass, they were excellent with me, and produced a 50+ page report which was very damning against my ex (followed by an equally scathing 10 page report). I did read complaints against her online by other dads, so it can be a bit hit and miss I'm afraid, though my ex did make her job very easy to produce the report against her as her actions and living conditions backed up everything I'd said.


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