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[Solved] 6 Weeks Holiday - Unwilling / Refusing to Negotiate

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In May i informed my ex that i will be unable to have my son during the 6 weeks holiday between 14th August until 28th August. I informed her as i will be going away for work as i often travel in the week but this is a long job. i stressed its not ideal.

She responded thats a lot of contact time missed. She then frantically starts wanting to know where i am going - i did not respond. she then messaged take him with you. Later that evening i collected our soon to be 6 year old for weekend contact, the first thing she turned around in an emtoinal way was to ask where i was going and to which country. I responded stating im going for work where it does not concern you as i am not taking younus, if it was a holiday i would have asked way in advanced. Considering two years ago she was refusing to hand me his passport for me wanting to take him to disney land - which a subpeona was issued to her to attend court and eventually to handover. I said we need to discuss a plan that will work.

i then get a message about 2 weeks later no discussion for summer contact proposal ' Rotate every 4 nights starting from Friday 27th July so you get your weekend with him. You''l have to postpone or cancel you being abroad in August if your not taking our son (name) with you. Dont bother sending me abusive messages back our son (name) has asked me to tell you" . I then responded by not using his name in vain and that i have given you ample notice, and he is incapable of understanding anything unless you are putting things in his head.

I then offered her again to meet and discuss a plan that can work, to allow me to compensate for loss time or offer her flexibility for her conveniance. I also offered to have him first 3 weeks her the latter 3 weeks.

I am completely baffled as i dont understand her problem, when she has caused difficulty prior to me wanting him to take him on holiday. She has a problem with me having him 50% of the time in the week each week, yet she wants me during those dates to take him abroad to work with me???

Again she has not reposnded to my offer early this month for discussing a plan. She then partially agreed to Sunday today.

Today i messaged her to meet as my son spoke with me in the morning and said he will see me later at 5pm - presuming she has agreed to meet as its her contact weekend. as it apporached i asked if we still meet at the time she responded no call only. The call never came. i called and she did not pick up. i asked her again lets meet for an hour to discuss and fix a plan for his 6 weeks holiday to ensure there is no misunderstanding and we can work it for both of us.. From excuses to being busy or ignoring it became incredibly frustrating.

I have persisted as my call never came or as she had agreed, but she responded ' What do you want to sort out'? to which i responded his 6 week holiday schedule. Her reponse "Regarding what aspect?? Have you postponed your 2 weeks abroad?" to which again repeating myself its not going to happen unless something changes, she has had plenty of notice.

I really am losing patience with this nut job who claimed in my previous post she was posessed and god knows what else.

I have now since reponded ' That contact proposal is not going to work and i do not agree as we have not discussed. We need to discuss a plan that will work for both as we work. Unless you agree to discuss and work this plan with me in a civil and mature manner then its not going to work, particulely affecting our son. If you cannot grasp that even now what i am attempting then you have some serious issues. What are you afraid of or suspicious of? You are behaving oddly for several weeks over my simple request to meet and discuss. I have given you ample time'

We have managed to communicate after i refused completely prior due to her exact nature - it was far more healtheir and easier but as the judge wanted to encourage communication putting me in a weaker position.

She is again plotting her campaing of denigration against me with my son, she used his name in vain that because i went away last year my son was apparently upset because i never took him. When i asked my son about if he is aware from his mom that i will be away for a small period of time, he stated its a long time and that mommy thinks your lying. i am bewildered as i am being straight up and want to talk. you cant with this raging lunatic.

I am worried she is trying to create a unworkable situation and try to disrupt contact purposely - her sick twisted mind would be happy to go to court which i want to avoid as she gets some attention. What are my options as i want to benefit to contact with my son during 6 weeks but without him feeling that my time away will affect him. we do every other weekend contact now after 3 years of each weekend.

On a serious note with her unstableness and stating she was possessed and her suspicious or paranoid nature, she lack responsibility in my opinion and is not benfitting my son. I will be getting married in a few months which i intend to tell her and my son about but not yet. My son is aware of my fiance but only as a good freind and she is never around during our contact time. Only a small circle are aware. I really want to now look at ways to report her i just dont trust her judgement or parenting abilities. I dont know which way to go as i really want my son to live with me and my new partner who addores him. I am very worried about her state of mind considering its still hauntin me about her possesion talks and wanting me to check myself over. i like to give her benefit of doubt but more and more occasions she fills me with doubts hence simple discussions over 6 weeks holidays.

Please HELP !

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Joined: 12 years ago

Hi there

Apart from court to apply for an urgent specific issue order, there aren't many options open to you I'm afraid.

You could try mediation, or pay for a solicitor to write to herto inform her formally that you will not be available on the stated time due to work commitments, making a suggestion for an alternative.

If she is breaching the existing order, or does so when you return in August, you can apply for enforcement.

If you are worried about her frame of mind, it might be as well to talk to Social Services about your concerns, and giving them some background about being possessed etc. She shouldn't be involving your child in adult issues, you could mention this too and ask them to at least record your worries

Best of luck.


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