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Reporting a concern

It can be difficult to know what to do if you think a child is at risk. It’s important to remember that if you’ve spotted things that don’t seem right, others will have too. Speaking up can make sure that child gets help as soon as possible.


The sooner you contact your local children’s social care duty team, the quicker they can act. They’re available 24 hours a day, and can make an anonymous report if that feels safer. If a child is in immediate danger, please call the police straight away by dialling 999.


Report child abuse or neglect to your local council

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2 year barring order

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Honorable Member

It could be adjourned and its difficult to comment without full knowledge of the case, but you can draft a statement giving the facts and why it shouldn't be adjourned.  State what isn't working and what contact you've had against what was ordered.  Also correct the Cafcass statement.  Keep it factual and don't point blame on anyone.

Posted : 12/05/2024 6:37 pm
Eminent Member Registered

@champagne adjournment was not allowed, the hearing went ahead and I won the appeal. Barring order has been lifted and a new cao has been granted with a sec 7 to be completed by August with specific requests for Cafcass to deal with. One of them being whether Maternal grandma is an appropriate person to supervise moving forward. This I believe may be due to the fact that by her saying she only wanted to commit to 2 hours. How could there be any progression. It's been 2 hours for over 3 and a half years. I had a mackenzie friend with me and it was as if I was a completely different person. Their solicitor came and shook my hand on seeing me  something she hasn't done in 5 years of courts. She also stated she agreed there had been an error with the barring order etc. But it was them who opposed progression and wanted the barring order putting in place.

Topic starter Posted : 17/05/2024 12:01 am
Honorable Member

Well done.  Hopefully you will have more contact moving forward.  Shows its good not to give up hope

Posted : 17/05/2024 9:24 am
Estimable Member Registered

Well Done. Can you get a solicitor to work with you on this. I find if one side as a solicitor they tend to take over. My family have been through all this with accusations being thrown at them, and the constant lies. Some of which are totally unbelievable but they get believed 😳. I’ve had a child arrangement order in place 10 years, I upset my ex by catching her out on a lie and now she’s stopped contact, I won’t see my child now if ever again,  until at least September, this is after us seeing each other every week for 10 years. It just should not happen. I feel for you all.

Posted : 18/05/2024 12:09 pm
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