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2 homes, one priority: your child - Join the free Parenting After Separation course
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[Solved] Co-parenting after separation

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I’ve been married for 18 years and my marriage is coming close to an end. My wife has shown no affection towards me for almost 5 years and no physical interaction for the same. I’m miserable and done with it.

But what is worrying me is co-parenting after separation. I have two daughters, 7 and 10, and I have a 90 minute commute each way 3 days a week.

One person I know does mon - wed / thu - fri / weekend and repeat, so each parent gets the same amount of time but that won’t work as I don’t get home until 7 and can’t vary my work from home days.

Anyone else had this issue and how did you tackle it?

5 Replies
Posts: 5412
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Joined: 6 years ago


i been to court and got standard arrangements. have kids stay with me fri-sun, every other weekend. and see them after school for few hours, every wed, every other weekend. i think that may not be enough for you. not enough for me. its all about your availability and your job flexibility. i am 30 mins away from kids.

think when your kids get to an age when they can go to school by themselves, then perhaps you can keep kids 1 full week, then their mother keeps them 1 week as a rota.

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Only way someone could advise is if you put your work hours and days on here for the month . is it a rota that changes every week ie every 3-4 weeks.
I could then make suggestions based on that. I do know its about your availability when child contact is considered and there would be some routine and consistency required. your 10 year old daughter would only be a few years away from making her own arrangements with you.

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Hi I’m 90 mins away from my kids so I don’t ever get midweek contact i couldn’t ever get to them before bedtime .
Because of the distance you should try to get an order that specifies you get to speak to them every night or video call them etc to maintains your relationship. I get minimum of every other day calls with them plus the standard Friday to Sunday eve alternate weekend etc

Posts: 5412
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Joined: 6 years ago

citydad, did you give your kids a phone? my ex demanded i give a phone, so she can be controlling. i opted to scrap phone contact and instead prefer to spend more time with kids.

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