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[Solved] Skyfall

Posts: 1621
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(@Super Mario)
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Joined: 15 years ago

They reckon this film will be the most watched by Dads at the cinema this year - so are you going to see it?

We are going on Wednesday next week - can't wait!

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Yep, probably going next wednesday as well. Hurrah for Orange Wednesdays 😀

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Posts: 1072

Can't say bond is really my thing, it probably after years of my dad watching them over and over

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Posts: 458

What did you guys think?

I was a little underwhelmed by the experience. It wasn't necessarily a bad film, but it certainly wasn't the 'classic' that the PR machine had promised.

It looked amazing though!

(@Super Mario)
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Posts: 1621

I disagree - thought the story was terrific and the special effects were amazing - I really enjoyed it

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I thought the movie was good, great story line and the special effects were really good

I will be happy to watch it again 🙂

(@Ivan Dobski)
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They reckon this film will be the most watched by Dads at the cinema this year - so are you going to see it?

We are going on Wednesday next week - can't wait!

See it been to the set!

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Posts: 1072

They reckon this film will be the most watched by Dads at the cinema this year - so are you going to see it?

We are going on Wednesday next week - can't wait!

See it been to the set!

Your car isn't as cool though :p

I watched this on the weekend, thought it was a good film, though as with most films i fell asleep through bits of it :zzz:

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Posts: 50

Absolutely loved it. It is by far, one of the best Bond films ever. It's very dark, dramatic and the photography is superb. I really loved the strong characters and M gets lots of screen time. It's no wonder that it's now the biggest U.K. film of all time and it only took 40 days to break that record!


(@Super Mario)
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Posts: 1621

They reckon that the new Les Mis is the best British film ever and will clean up at the oscars - bet it doesn't do as well at the box office

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It probably won't due to the musical nature. Cultured films just cannot out perform mainstream ones, in terms of revenue.
Les Mis will indeed do well and as far as I am aware, there is no competition for it in the musical category (but could be wrong). It will do well by default but hopefully more so, by own it's own qualities.


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Posts: 59

The movie is good however, there just isn't as much action as I hoped there would be!

Where's the gadgets on the Aston Martins???

Quite disappointed by that but loved the story!

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Thought Les Mis was an outstanding film, brilliant.

Only weak performance was Russell Crowe - his voice was not good enough and thought his acting was not up to his usual standard.

Anne Hathaway was magnificent.

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I absolutely loved Les Mis. I hadn't seen the musical, so the story was new to me and I thought it was great. All performances were first class, the songs were fantastic and the story just broke my heart (more than once!) I left the cinema emotionally drained but in a good way. If it doesn't get Best Picture at the Oscars, I will be fuming!



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