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[Solved] need good book

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Hi Daddys,
I love to read and havnt had a good book for a while,last book i read was alex fergusons autobiography.i find it hard to get a book out the libary as i need to be captured by the first few chapters.I love thrillers and true life any advice would be much appretated.........

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(@Super Mario)
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Try reading the Sean Dillon books by Lee Child they are fantastic

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i find it hard to get a book out the libary

Give a few weeks and we'll find it hard to find a library to borrow a book from.

The girl with the dragon tattoo - stunning book, brilliant mystery, great characters.

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Was the book subtitled like the film? 🙂 )

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I must say I'm a huge Lee Child fan. His books with the guy Jack Reacher in are great. I also love Harlen Coben books.

I'm open to suggestions too. Also, I have a couple of girls (13 and 12) who love reading but I don't know too many books to suggest. Any thoughts?


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For your girls I would suggest

The Maximum Ride series by James Patterson - my 14 yo loves them.

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Also, I have a couple of girls (13 and 12) who love reading but I don't know too many books to suggest. Any thoughts?


Take them to the local library and let them choose their own - be prepared for a wait as they read the covers of every book 🙂

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Take them to the local library

If it's not been closed down.

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Has to be Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I've borrowed the next two, The Girl Who Played with Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest but haven't yet found the time to start them yet.

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I've just read an awesome Harlan Coben book called 'Play Dead'. I'd highly recommend it.

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Take them to the local library

If it's not been closed down.

Well, if you get in there quick enough and take out the maximum allocation of books, it may be closed down before you have to return them.

How's that for a glass half full 😀

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I love to read.
Books ive enjoyed recently

Andy Mcdermot, He has a whole series out about a Archaelogist Nina Wild and her Body guard Eddie Chase (A yorkshire action hero) first book based on Atlantis then the rest of the series on other myths and legends like Altatis etc.

Lee Child, Jack Reacher is a must read

Matthew Reilly - he writes some brilliant fast pased action novels

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Just read the Millenium trilogy from Steig Larsson - not bad, though a little implausible in places. Also Mars Trilogy from Kim Stanley Robinson - If you liked Asimovs Foundation Trilogy (I don't only read trilogies) then you may well like the Mars books.

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Andy Mcdermot, He has a whole series out about a Archaelogist Nina Wild and her Body guard Eddie Chase

Just bought this on the basis of your recommendation - no pressure then 🙂

Looks pretty good.

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Andy Mcdermot, He has a whole series out about a Archaelogist Nina Wild and her Body guard Eddie Chase

Just bought this on the basis of your recommendation - no pressure then 🙂

Looks pretty good.

Fingers crossed you enjoy it then, If you do the others are just as good, maybe with a slight dip in the 3rd or 4th book, then the quality was soon picked up again

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Any Harlen Coben books are brilliant or Clive Cussler bt my favourite of all time has to be Jeffrey Deaver, writer of The Bone Collector and Lincoln Rhyme series. Definately worth investing some time

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I know im late to this, but I have to add a couple of fantastic series!

Firstly it’s the Scarecrow series by Matthew Reilly, there is no way for me to describe these other then, take the action and pace of a poorly written tom clancy novel, and mix it with the story that you find coming from Tolkien works! Its amazing. Check out amazon to read some summaries, I’d be shocked if you find a bad review, his first book is stunning, its named ‘Ice Station’ well worth checking out, I cannot stress enough, how much you will not regret it!

Secondly, this is a fantasy series, If you have heard of the tv show ‘legend of the seeker’ that show was based on these books, there is, 9 (with a 10th coming out soon I think?) fantastic series, not overdone with the whole ‘oh look magic means anything is possible’ they even explain the ‘magic’ within the title very well, and it doesn’t overpower the story (which I hate in fantasy reading) the characters are likeable and all have very unique and interesting backstories which come out throughout.

Honestly, you and to some extent your kids ( possibly not the Reilly ones till they are at least 11+ imo) but the seeker series is fantastic.


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I love the Matthew Reilly books I will second the Scarecrow series, Also the Jack West Jr series is worth a read (I prefer this character to Scarecrow)

(@Super Mario)
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Never even heard of these book but will look them out -Thanks

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bt my favourite of all time has to be Jeffrey Deaver,

Just read 'Blue Nowhere' on the basis of your recommendation, will definitely be reading more of his stuff. 😀

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Agree with the "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" trilogy awesome books
How about Bernard CORNWELL the Sharpe series are a good read
If you like crime have a read of Stephen LEATHER or Simon KERNICK both gripping tense reads that I couldnt put down

(@Super Mario)
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Agree with Stephen Leather - the Chinaman is one my favourite books loved it


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