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[Solved] I am legend

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Ok this is not a kids film...... Great Bob Marley quote in the middle, two days after he was shot and about go on stage anyway :

"The people who are trying to make the world worse are not taking a day off - why should i?"

Nice - i tend to agree! Are you taking a day off from being a father right now?

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Thought the film was meaningless and actually very disappointing.

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Core message: Science does the hard work and saves the day - God gets the credit.

Suffice to say, this did not go down well.

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Core message: Science does the hard work and saves the day - God gets the credit.

Suffice to say, this did not go down well.

Shocking! 😉

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... Are you taking a day off from being a father right now?

The risk I find is that some days pass and I have got things done (bills, tv, cofee, email, diy) but not spent long enough playing one-to-one with our little one.
This post got me thinking. I've planned a few things I WILL do today with LO. Here they are:
- Blow bubbles (he likes them)
- Go into the garden to wear him out a bit
- Read some books

Its not that I do nothing with him. Because he's a toddler I will just get him to join in and 'help me' as I do basic things (put things into dishwasher, make us a cuppa/juice, tidy, get the post...). He's young so helping can be him just following me, or being carried, or in the highchair for safety (eg when cooking), or pulling washing out of the basket.
He also has time on his own in the rooms we're in so he naturally explores things he comes across (sweeping brush, TV remote, favourite toy, something he finds under the setee...).
I will keep the Bubbles, Garden and Books in reserve, so I have something to draw on through the day. That way, if he gets bored and starts doing things to get my attention I already know what I will do.
Bubbles are the sort of thing that only takes a few minutes to do so they can be squeezed in when you are busy, or he has to have a meal or nap soon.
The garden is great to break up a long block of time when you're at home all afternoon (going to the park is good for this, or wander into town for a cuppa).
Reading books are helpful when he needs to have a few minutes to sit quietly.

I've chosen these things because I like doing them as well. So we can enjoy them together.

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Posts: 119

I sometimes find it hard to keep it going all day with my toddler,sometimes I feel a bit lazy letting him watch tele-he doesn't watch loads but I often think come on you can do more with him.

I think im a good stay at home Dad generally,but being totally honest about it im sure I could be better.

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I've never been a stay at home dad, but I would have thought that your job is to make sure they are constructively occupied, but not necessarily that you are doing the occupying. Just being there is often all they need 🙂

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Posts: 606

RELAX !! You care and it shows !!! NO WAY am I playing with our LO all the time, quite the opposite 🙂

There is soooo much that goes on by you being around...
- by simply giving him his usual eating and sleeping routine that builds stability/security
- each time you speak you are improving his language and communication
- when you get him dressed, give him a biscuit, let him pull his hat off it helps him be able to 'help himself'
- by letting him wander around the rooms you're in he learns to be inquisitve and explore for himself
- by having toys around he spends time building his thinking skill
and on and on....

And TV, I have music or TV on a lot. Either programs for me (Will and Grace; Wright stuff; news) and I will switch to a program I think he enjoys.
Sometimes he has some quiet time around 5pm where he is getting a bit worn out but I want him to stay awake until past 7pm, so TV and a quiet sit with me is a way to give him a rest and cuddle.

When I posted I hoped it would help others to cope when LO gets bored and demanding (by having something to try when it happens).
I only do 2 or 3 things a day at best.
For example. Today I gave him breakfast, changed his nappy and gave him a bottle a bit later. I checked emails. I moved a coffee table: He 'helped me' by getting in the way, climbing on the table, pressing buttons on the CD player, we kicked the baloon a bit, he tried to put small things in his mouth, had a biscuit, ran away from the vacuum cleaner.... And i put him down for his nap just before 12 because he was tired.

Joined: 15 years ago

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Posts: 119

I guess im just being hard on my self,when I break it down I probally do alot more with the little monkey than I think.

Cheers guys...


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