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[Solved] Hunger Games

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(@Super Mario)
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We went to see this film last weekend and I have read the book.

It is a strange topic as it tells the futuristic story of how a country punishes its population by every year insisting that each district supply one boy and one girl (aged 12-18) to take part in the hunger games where it is literally a fight to the death.

Whilst this subject seems macabre it is actually a really good film and follows the book.

Would recommend it - but not one for small children

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Sounds a bit like a modern Rollerball.

(@Super Mario)
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Now there's a film

James Caan - I believe

I think that is far more violent but now you come to mention it there is a similarity

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Yep, was James Caan. Good film but was violent.

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I also saw this a short while back and thought it was a cracking film. Both myself and the hormone monster loved it - was a welcome break from the Twilight films which are soo dull they make me want to gnaw my limbs off.

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Agreed - Twilight films are rubbish. I'm looking forward to seeing the next 2 Hunger Games films though.

You can't beat some of the animation films that crossover from kids to adults. How to Train your Dragon is also an awesome film. However TinTin is SUCH a good film and the graphics are so good that my wife thought she was watching an actual film for the first 5 minutes!

(@Super Mario)
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Going to see the Avengers movie tomorrow with my youngest - will let you know if any good

(@Super Mario)
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For those who like the super hero type film this is an absolute must see!!

The film is incredible with non stop action, a reasonably good story line and plenty of humour - the characters are great and each play a good part in the film.

It is only May but is this the best film of 2012? So far it is

We went to our local Cineworld - sign up online and book before you go - 10% discount and now no booking fee!!

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Will look out for the Avengers... when they did the remake a few years back, it was a bit too quirky (i.e. like the original tv series!)
Did they make the new one more main stream?

(@Super Mario)
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This is based on the Marvel comic strip heroes - it is a great film

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fromwhat i can gather from the bits of the film it all floats far to close to a kids version of a japanese novel called Battle royale (if you like your books violent i suggest you give it a read). so im not sure im gonna bother reading it

really cant wait to see the avengers, i have three films im planning to go to the cinema to see this year, and apart fromThe dark knight rises is probably the most anticipated for me.

(@Super Mario)
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The Avengers 9/10
Hunger Games 8/10

I think the Dark Knight will be great

Not sure what else there is

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Went with two teenagers who knew the book backwards and really enjoyed it. They have clearly set it up for the next one

Although got to admit it wasn't a patch on the Avengers - which I took delight in introducing my son too :woohoo:

(@Super Mario)
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Apparently the latest Batman film is supposed to be awesome!

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Apparently the latest Batman film is supposed to be awesome!

Saw the trailer for this yesterday at the Cinema - It looks brilliant. Very dark and action packed.

Prometheus trailer looked great as well.

(@Super Mario)
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Been a great year for us dads so far - my wife doesnt get a look in!!!

No fishing for salmon in yemen in our house!

Not unless you are in a battleship!!!

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No fishing for salmon in yemen in our house!


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The next one (Catching Fire) is out very soon. The trailer looks very impressive and gives a darker feel to the story. I'm intrigued....


(@Pater In lumine)
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How about Mocking Jay? 🙂

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It has been shown in cinemas, last year I guess.


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