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[Solved] Flash Forward

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Anyone else watching this new drama on channel 5 on a monday night. It's from the makers of Lost and has a Lost type feel to it,basically this one day everyone on the planet blacks out,during this black out everyone flash's forward 6 months into the future. It's been very good so far. 😉

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I have been watching it and like you say it is great - think it will run and run - with a twist at every corner!! Certainly something to stay in and watch at last.

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am really enjoying Flash forward at the moment........

Am now an avid view and it has become part of my weekly viewing along with Fringe (great fun), Stargate Universe and Defying Gravity. Seems to be a lot of good sci fi coming out of the states at the moment. 😀

a new version of V is premièring in the states tonight - if its anywhere as good as the re imagined Battlestar Galactica was then it should be well worth a watch


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Yep, I love this. I tend to try not to get hooked into series if I can help it, so never seen Lost, Fringe, Stargate etc, (didn't escape Heroes and 24 though, and lately, Spooks).

Sort of hope it's a single series, but I doubt it.

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It has started really well,they seem to leave you just wanting to watch the next episode straight away. I just hope that it's just one series rather than going on and on like Lost,I used to really like Lost but just thought it went on to long without giving you the answers. 🙄

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Very dissapointed with the long winter break they had from filming this programme,it was just getting really good aswell.

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Due back soon now. 🙂

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re starts in the US on 18th March so we won't be far behind........

really hate the break in the series - the US seem to be doing that with a lot of their TV programs at the mo.

The re-imagined "V" managed 4 episodes before it went nearly a four month break.

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I have not caught up with Flash Forward, sounded interesting though... However, I have noticed the "restart" over Christmas, I've been watching Stargate Universe, and I am sure that NCIS last year did the same, and Chuck last year... grrrr... 🙁

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Since coming back from it's winter break it's been quality,real cliffhangers like last night's making you think is she really a mole..Brilliant stuff makes me just want to watch the next one straight away. 😀

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Yep, seems much better after the return

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Just watched the final episode of Season 1 - great finished on a massive cliff hanger.

Got some bad news though - its been cancelled 😥 So we will never get any resolution to the story, never know why and who.

Gutted 🙁

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Im gutted if there not making anymore,looking forward to the last one next week. It seems to be my luck at the moment that I get into something for it to be axed,Heroes is no more apparently.. 👿 👿

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I've enjoyed this - in a way, I'm glad there's no follow up series as it had the potential to drag on into multiple series, but not if they are leaving it on a cliff hanger 🙁

Still hoping in vain for another series of The Lost Room.

And Strikeback was good - and only six episodes. I like mini series. 😀

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Well im very frustrated with that ending,they can't leave it on a cliffhanger like that surely,it is really starting to wind me up when a show get's axed and they don't end it properly..

Apparently they are putting out a Dvd of the series where there will be an alternative ending.

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Apparently they are putting out a Dvd of the series where there will be an alternative ending.

Gutted by the ending, and there's no way I'm going to buy/rent a DVD just to watch an alternative ending. :rant:

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If your on FB and are interested check out the Saveflashforward group.

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Fans of FlashForward plan to stage a blackout to protest the show's recent cancelation.

Members of a FlashForward fan group will gather in front of ABC offices in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit and Atlanta on June 10. They are to mimic falling unconscious for two minutes and 17 seconds, just as in the programme's pilot episode.

Overseas supporters will join in the protest in London.

The group, which started the website PreventTheBlackout, has also shipped 20,000 "friendship bracelets", an item seen on the show, to the president of ABC.

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If you liked Flash Forward then I would recommend you check out "The Event" on Friday nights on Channel 4.

looks like its gonna be a good show.

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saw the first double episode - need to see a couple more to make my mind up.

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Seen the first five eps - well worth a watch.

Just seen The Walking Dead (new tv series staring Andrew Lincoln - Teachers & This Life), little bit gory but looks to be a really good series.

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Ah, presumably, you're 'cheating' and downloading episodes. 😆

(@Super Mario)
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Started watching it - but lost interest.

I gave up with Lost when the Polar bear arrived - why are Americans series so far fetched? or do they actually believe they are real?

Who knows?

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Ah, presumably, you're 'cheating' and downloading episodes.

something like that 😉

(@Dear Mr Toblerone)
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Still hoping in vain for another series of The Lost Room.

Absolutely LOVED The Lost Room! I'm with you, been hoping in vain for ages.

The Event was good, looking forward to tonight.

I have to admit, I'm a massive Lost fan (even loved the Polar Bears.... :geek: )

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Lost caught my attention when it first arrived, but I got fed up with the gratuitously weird cliff hangers, that were never properly explained. No problem with 'weird', but would be nice to throw in the odd explanation, just to give the impression that there is some basic plot.

Heroes ...again started well and showed a lot of promise, but I think they tried being too clever; taking peoples powers away, changing their powers, jumping around in time. It all got a bit too complicated for it's own good.

Flashforward was a nice idea, but it just felt like Lost and I was just waiting for them to lose the plot

Being Human great fun ...and series three being recorded

True Blood Wasn't sure to start, but I'm quite getting into this now. Great opening credits and season 3 currently being recorded

The Event haven't started this yet, but am recording onto the DVD HD, so will catch up soon

House I love this. Season 5 was brilliant. Haven't managed to get hold of 6 yet ...and they're already showing 7. Aaarggh!

Spooks I used to love this and I still enjoy it, but I wonder of it isn't starting to become a bit stale 🙁

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Saw the first two episodes of the Event and luv it (so far........)

Loving Spooks (another season BBC please)

Watched True Blood first season, soon got very bored i'm afraid. (Ratso season 3 has been shown and concluded in the States already)

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Love Spooks - latest episode is a real turning point, but I did hear that this will be the last series 😥

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actd - good news (maybe)

It was the Daily Mail that reported that this was the final season of Spooks, the BBC have denied that this is the case.

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actd - good news (maybe)

It was the Daily Mail that reported that this was the final season of Spooks, the BBC have denied that this is the case.

Ooh, did seem to be a rather stupid decision (I think waking the dead was due to be similary axed in the report) as they are popular shows. Hope you're right 🙂

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Seems its been a while since the last post on here. Anything good come on lately? Frankly I'm still mourning the loss of 24.

Not on a drama front, I can't get enough of Dragons Den. I love that show!

(@Super Mario)
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If its TV talk you want we have posts on Glee and Top Gear!!!

However sad to see the current series of Hustle end that was excellent, but there doesnt seem to be much else on.

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Keifer Sutherland did say they were going to do a film of 24 - hopefully not real time though - that would be a very long film 😆

I Gadget show is back on (loved todays electric unicycle - I'd have one of those at £3000) and I like two and a half men.

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Well, last night was the last episode of Spooks - what a cracking end to a brilliant series 😀 (

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Loved the final episode of spooks - gutted the killed off the character they did but had a feeling they would.

Great to see Tom turn up in the last couple of scenes, felt fitting that one of the original team would be involved in the episode.

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I'm a big spooks fan as well - so sad that it is no more.

Did anyone see the rubbish spin off series ?

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Didn't know about the spin off - wouldn't be the same without Harry anyway.

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Yeah, I watched the spin off - it was rubbish Spooks: Code 9

The series begins in 2012 (just after the 2012 Summer Olympics), when London and some of the south east has been evacuated in the wake of a nuclear attack during the opening ceremony of the Games. The government has relocated to Manchester; Thames House has been decommissioned, and MI5 is forced to set up offices across the UK in an attempt to help Britain avoid new attacks.


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