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Far fetched films
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[Solved] Far fetched films

Posts: 1621
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(@Super Mario)
Noble Member
Joined: 15 years ago

Hi all

I went to see 2012 the other night and whilst some of the special effects were amazing it was probably one of the most far fetched films I have ever seen!

Got me thinking - what do you think also rank in the far fetched film section?

Look forward to your responses

Mario 😮

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Illustrious Member
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Kramer vs Kramer. A mother would never relent like that at the end in real life 😆

(@Harveys Dad)
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Posts: 257

😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

that made me lol

(@JJ now saved)
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Hi Mario

Just out curiosity, how was the film farfetched, as i haven't seen it, just read reviews?


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Posts: 119

Crouching tiger hidden dragon I think it wa called,jumping 20 foot in the air 😆 😆 I turned it off...

(@Super Mario)
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Posts: 1621

Gosh where do I fact I wouldn't wish to spoil it

The special effects were absolutely amazing - but the world is about to end as we know it and only 400,000 people can be saved so the richest people are offered a place (most of which are over 70 and therefore unable to re-populate the planet!)

I did try not to laugh out loud as the hero clambered out of a giant ravine and caught his airplane!!

Go see it - it cetainly puts other disaster movies like Towering Inferno to shame!!!

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Eminent Member
Posts: 23

I thought The Day After Tomorrow was way too far-fetched!!

Films like that usually have me tearing my eyes out, hence I switch off or don't bother with. We did go to see Furry Vengance ... I really regret paying money to see that film!!!!

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Noble Member
Posts: 1855

2012 is by far one of the most far fetched films of recent years.

Funny that the last two suggestions are Roland Emmerich films.



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