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[Solved] Album Reviews

Posts: 14
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Does anyone like the Manics as thinking of getting their new album but just see if anyone has listened to it yet and to say if its any good.

I would also like to hear what people think of Brandon Flowers (Killers lead singer) album is like as me personally i think it sounds to much like Killers. Your comments most welcome.

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(@Super Mario)
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Brandon Flowers album is excellent and well worth listening to - I think the Killers are great and these are some of the songs he has written but didn't make the cut for the Killers latest album.

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I have the manics new album and love it - well worth a purchase.

Classic manics

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Gooner - I think its a bit hit and miss. Some good tracks, some dross no really great tracks tho

(@Super Mario)
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Just got new Kings of Leon album - first play a little disappointing.

Hoping it will grow on me

However my son made me listen to Bruno Mars (who I thought would be a little too "modern" for me) - it is fantastic!

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Brandon Flowers album is excellent and well worth listening to - I think the Killers are great and these are some of the songs he has written but didn't make the cut for the Killers latest album.

I'm with Super Mario on this one. Brandon Flowers' album is absolutely brilliant. I wasn't expecting it from the Killers' lead man - but he's done really well.

Has anyone been listening to the XX's album?


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Has anyone been listening to the XX's album?

Yeah I am and I'm loving it. Even got my 14 yo hormone monster listening to it with me. Would highly recommend it.

(@Super Mario)
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Thought the new Take That album was a little disappointing - all that hype!!!

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I also thought Take Thats album was average at best. I'm enjoying The Script's new album and as I'm partial to a bit of country and folk, I am enjoying Mumford and Sons.

There, that brought the tone down a bit!

(@Super Mario)
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I like the Mumford and Soms album too, much to my eldests disgust - couldnt believe they won a Brit!! and as for the top British female I had never even heard of her!

Try the new album by Sugarland - needs a couple of listens but it is good - love the single "Stuck like Glue"

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Listening to two great albums at the moment Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds & Example - Playing In The Shadows.

Both are great - some really good tracks and well worth a listen.


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