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[Solved] Word Association Game
Hopefully self explanatary
I will kick things off
('eel .... the back of a yorkshireman`s foot)
Do I get a prize for getting back to the very first post in this thread? 😀
No - because that was the most tenuous link possible!!
Mind you I was going to say Doctor (what a spanish man is when he goes to the doctor!!!)
No - because that was the most tenuous link possible!!
Drat and double drat 😀
(ooh ooh, if someone says green we're at risk of getting into an infinite loop
imagine someone doing an exam & they get distracted...
i was thinking purple - saw a steering wheel - that's what i wrote
(nite nite. my laptop has finished backing up 330 gig, finished Boom Street, baby is fed. thanks for the fun.)
I will explain:
get a glass and fill it with a few large pebbles (these represent the big things in life which are worth throwing most of your energy and time into)
Now taking smaller pebbles or gravel it is possible to fit these in the space inbetween (this represents other tasks which use a lot of time)
Now throw in sand and the glass seems full (this is all the stuff we busy ourself with in life)
Is the glass full [yes comes the reply from the crowd]
but watch: as I am able to pour in some beer - truely filling in the gaps!
Some consider this tale to highlight that if we first filled the glass with sand-like activities we (as Fathers) would struggle to make time for the important things like Family, relationship ....
Nor would be have time for work etc
Others consider this tale to prove that we would always have time for BEER
(okay, that might not be how the French spell it - but that's what my brain saw)
Snort......as in laughing at what your brain saw! 😆 ...but also as in pig! 😉
:cheer: ...what do we do now then? Do we start again with a new word? Is that the first time its got back to the first word?
😀 😀 😀 ....Awww sorry bz I googled it!
i have played it
but I'm not available because i don't want to try bigamy.
😆 😆 😆 do you know why they float?....Its because theres too much fat in a persons diet!...so my word is.....
massive handbag
now i was led to believe that floaters were the result of bacteria in the gut generating gas, and tiny bubbles of gas are part of what makes up that waste product. later they become sinkers as stuff dissolves and solids / gases part their ways.
hmmm, i wonder if there is a wiki page?
please, please engage humour and google 'wiki floaters'
result list includes: eyes, Australian pie & zombies
😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
According to www.poopreport.com we're both right! 😉 I read it in Gillian McKeiths book on nutrition.
I think MrO and his Massive Handbags quote was referring to my inglorious rise up the thankyou charts! :whistle: courtesy of Mrbz...
Much appreciated bz but you really mustn't cheat on my behalf!!! :} I'd like my meteoric rise to be an honest recognition!
Mythical Beast (in response to hippocrocadillapig)
But i really really _did_ mean Massive Handbags to be my response to sewing together all the hippo-crocodill-a-pig-skins.
So I guess I could just squeeze my Massive handbags in again because you could probably make a lovely (mythical) handbag out of mythical beasts..... so....
(as opposed to me challenging you to a duel at dawn with massive handbags)
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: 😆 😆 😆 :} 8) :whistle:
...Ok Ok .. Tiny purse ......(bz's response!)
My go ...... Monopoly
...is that rude bz!!!! :unsure:
hurts (...it does really, I've got a wicklow!)
(wicklow was hard to find...the urban dictionary has it as when your nail gets damaged and snags on things (my paraphrasing)
Ireland...green....mmm.. a little internal word association of your own going on there MrO!! 😆
...(theres a lonely little message sitting in your inbox 🙁 ...)
water seems to throw my brain into spurting up loads of words
clauset ice sea stream ...
the first one i got was
BZ!!!!!!!! :} :} :} ....less bad you say, for who???
Idont know wether to go with drumstick or deep heat! 😆 😆 😆 take your pick you disgusting little boy!
I am the google queen!! 8)
...I already did!
drumstick for the cs surprise.... and deep heat for the other!
...you just cant help yourself can you bz! 😆 😆 😆
(...and I didnt have to google that one 😉 )
So does that mean we've only got the pleasure of your company for the next 30mins??
I'm very well thank you Bz 🙂 ...however its not sunny up here in the North West! 🙁
Not seen much of you the last coupla days....wonder why! 😆
... Good job you got a good relationship with your boss! 8) ..Is he a gamer too?
Oh my god!!!! I have been looking on here frequently trying to get "foot" to win the prize for getting back to the starting word, and not only did you beat me to it, you got it by an association I hadn't even thought of :boohoo:
whoa where did potato come from 😆
You question potato but not a word about Aardvark 😮
...You been reading too many conspiracy theorys on You tube Bz? :woohoo:
by the powers vested in me under the laws of word association i disqualify aardvark from the list thereby reinstating nj's potato.
😆 😆 That's probably the correct decision :silly:
Mercenary.... Merk is the abbreviation of this, according to the Urban dictionary! 😉
(hiya, i'm back for a while - until i get doing DIY and paperwork inbetwen juggling babies)
Not been around for a while, .glad to see this thread still alive and kicking 😀
Vindapoo you missed the opportunity to bring it full circle, it started with the word foot!
Vindapoo you missed the opportunity to bring it full circle, it started with the word foot!
Robot wars loved that show!!
Vindapoo you missed the opportunity to bring it full circle, it started with the word foot!
Robot wars loved that show!!
[censored] - I missed that opportunity too - tried once before 😀
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