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Things to do with t...
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[Solved] Things to do with the kids during the summer

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There's a new DadTalk article offering Top 10 ideas for things to do on sunny days and wet days. Got any suggestions of your own? Let's hear them...

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It's the month of October summer has gone,as I sat on Saturday afternoon, gale winds beating the trees and leaves falling off the branches, i was convinced that summer and the BBQ's are back in the sheds for a long time. I wondered how may of you have reflected or maybe too busy to reflect what summer was like. Maybe this will be a topic once winter kicks in. I thought I will share my summer reflections with my fellow dads. 😕


The idea of spending time preparing food, cooking and eating can be a therapeutic one especially on a nice warm summer’s day. As I sat reflecting on the summer holiday and what the next school term will be like. I couldn’t resist the temptation of getting that barbeque stand out of the garage. I had already thrown my tongs and gloves. But with the air filled with different ardours of sizzling lamb, fish, kebabs roast potatoes and [censored] chicken. It was all the more putting temptation to a different level. Even calling friends in case I get invited to their BBQ

So this summer I have made a point to share the work load with my teenagers. Getting kids in the kitchen or cooking out is a great way to spend time with your kids. It is a wonderful adventure exploring different recipes. And some wonderful kids activities. Such as baking potatoes to roasting veg kebabs or even implementing on different types of recipes that are only specific to kids taste buds..

I have also enjoyed the poems, recipes, songs and sonnets all around the BBQ. The chicken drumstick on fire and the hot carrot waiting to simmer. As the evening shyly creeps into darkness and the sun’s rays disappear into the distant horizon. My BBQ fire going down like an over ripe orange, I sat down to quench my thirst with a cold beer! A combination that works so well made only for men!.

Strawberry ice cream slush for the children. I could do this every day now. I feel repented from the apathy of BBQ’s with my children.

As a dad I have found that there’s an expectation that you’ve got to know it all – no matter what or where you are! However spending time doing a barbeque with kids can just be a fun family and time together as a family. And also less debates on who should scrub the burnt pots in the kitchen

So dads why not challenge yourself, break out and do a barbeque with your children this summer. You can also join us on our online forum for a dadtalk BBQ with Kids discussion. You could learn a few BBQ tricks.


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