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[Solved] Tea break and is anyone online?
Is anyone out there online ❓
💡 I wanted to start this thread for chat between anyone online and with a couple of mins to simply have a brief chat with eachother.
Saturday 1pm and I've just finished my sandwiches. LO is asleep and I either play some Gears of War 3 on the 360, or I go and move some more junk into my study (by study I mean I have a place for my hifi, cd's and reams of paper).
Oh well, I will put the kettle on and make a coffe while I decide. Maybe someone will have posted by the time I get back 😎 )
Hi.... I have just joined this site...but doesnt seem to be well supported.... ie nobody responds , and the chat on some of the discussions seems very outdated ? Did you see my discussion on parental alienation ?
Hi Stuart,
Yes, I did read through your post about your ex alienating you (and more to the point alienating your children from you)!!.
I did't feel able to respond because I have not got any insight to your situation or anything similar...
Having said that, I really thought it was a very painful situation to be in. My heart goes out to you.
How old are your children and how many do you have? (if you don't mind me asking...)
thanks for posting!!
I think that chatting like this makes this site more supported.
BTW, I resisted play GOW and have been moving junk to my room whilst mending a few things as I went.
Tea break over. I just read the list of things to do when its wet and we're going out to splash in the puddles across in the park by the swings.
Hi... sorry went offline for a while to do some work - mainly work from home - glad to hear that you are spashing in the puddles - sounds like your children(child) are wuote young. Mine are 16,14 and 11. Never thought I would be in the situation where I cant get them to see me, in particular the 14 and 16 year olds... its a nightmare... I hope that your ex is a more reasonable person.... but be aware things can change
Thanks for the other posts, I've replied to alienation one.
No puddles but he had his wellies on. They were size 4, which is his size, but they kept falling off - I ended up letting him walk around the rubberised tarmac in his socks as we went from slide to swings etc. OK, must go feed him now.
I hope to catch you online soon 🙂 /Orange
PS. sorry if I led you to think I had an ex. My Missus and I are still married after some twenty odd years... and hopefully many more to come.
dont know why I assumed you had an ex !Glad to hear that you are still together - keep it up.!
no probs.
Now going to pop one averagely sleepy todder into 'jamas and carry him to his cot for the night.
Then, I WILL do some Gears of war on the xbox360 😀
Anyone out there??
I have a cuppa by my side and LO is happily getting use to the coffee table i've moved into the living room.
I'm here 🙂 On here occasionally through the day when there's a quiet moment at work.
I am sitting here trying to work out if I can move a bed-setee on my own.
2 of us struggled to move it in so I don't think I can do it alone, too heavy and big.
I'll have to wait until my wife is around to stop it tipping over as I attempt heaving it into the other room.
What are you doing/planning...
-brb (just getting a sandwich)
Browsing on the internet, while keeping work going. Tend not to leave my desk at lunchtime unless I have a reason to go out.
I'm munching cheese sarnies.
If you like funny photos, then you might try
amusing pictures of what has happened to cars
Just made the little one his lunch,he's now eating his sandwich and crisps whilst watching Hump-same everyday nearly 😀 D
Im just going to have a little look on my Villa Forum and see what the team news is for tonight.
Mr Orange save your back and wait for help mate. 😉
thanks, my back is saved!
but now I am wondering whether i should be doing the top-coat on the window...
Right now I wanna play some xbox360 instead... I think I can afford the time...
I will paint this evening instead.
How old is your cheese/crisp eater 😀 Mine's 16 months and really not that interested in eating. Will not eat bread, eats Oat cerial, chips, peas, fishFingers but not with any passion.
Did you find appetite changed as your boy got older?
It must be something about fishfingers Mr O - my 4 year old still only eats them when forced too! 😀
Saw thay you were all on line so thought i pop in to say HI! 😀
My little boy was two a couple of weeks ago,the last couple of months he's played up with his food big time,some days he'll eat next to nothing and others he'll eat his and then start picking at yours.. 😀 D
Sounds like your an on the go type MrO 😉 🙄
Im hoping this little bundle of energy will go for a nap this afternoon as he's starting to rebel at nap time.
Do you have any 'traditions' around naptime... they might help.
For us it's dummy in and wave to anyone in the room, or wave to the empty room 😀
When i put him down he snuggles his face into soft toy or soft blanket.
To make a 'tradition' just keep doing something on and on in the same context.
Does he have one or two naps a day... It is usual for them to go to one nap...
bye for now. going to stop staring at the computer for a while.
We kind of have a few traditions at nap time,it's usually after lunch so I will say turn the tele off or put your toys away(depending on what he's doing) and I will say oh I think Bumpy Dog is calling you 😀 (Bumpy is his fav cuddly toy) and normally we'll trudge off and he'll go for his nap.
He went down well today so it might well have just been a little phase him not wanting to go,he only has the one nap-to be honest if he doesn't have it he's really grizzly and naughty around tea time onwards.
Speak again...
Okay. I'm drinking some Greek coffee and it has started to kick in. I am generally trying to limit my coffee intake to one or two cups a day. I just find various decaf or caffine free drinks just don't do it for me. Also munched my favourite snack - Shortbread bikkies.
tee hee. I've just missed you by 20 mins...
I notice that with this dull autumn weather I've been eating more snacks in the day.... and now I am growing a spare tyre on my tummy...
I better try curbing my biscuit input. I might even try eating the odd carrott.
Am I the only one?? or have others noticed they're eating more in the day?
Just sat down for the first time today after a hard day at work!!!
Where is my work life balance going?
Its chilly so I'm having rather a lot of cuppa's.
Anyone else sitting online not doing much?
trying not to think about the loads of things i have to do before friday! cheers for your help on the other topic.
laugh 😀 over the years I've tried simplifying things. Plastic tree up [tick], some tinsel and balloons up [yep], get a bird as late as possible [leaving darling wife to do that].
I divert my energy to real 'needs'. eg. 7 week old screaming, unless i sit here bobbing and patting. I know you understand this from your 8 mth old 🙂
hope you've all had a good christmas! our girl loved the empty boxes and wrapping paper best!
Anyone else eating? I have a minced pie and a cuppa... 🙂 ) (and a lively toddler - who is about to get some fresh air and a wander).
Well, I have tea going in the kitchen with me as I cook Grandma's Chicken Soup.
Of course my children say it is okay but not the same as Grandma's.
okay, that was a good coffee.
After I've put the online shopping away I'm taking toddler into the garden for an hour.
Perhaps I'll catch someone for lunch.
just having a coffee myself, for my lunch. A quiet house, boy at school, girl at nursery. Nice and peaceful, but something missing not to have them around the house. Working at home today.....well obviously not at the moment 🙂
Hi Zaden,
I'm now munching a sarnie and another mug of decaf.
Finally brought toddler back in from the garden. He's been whining for more than 10 mins and I think he got bored of raking leaves and dumping them on the compost heap. So he's now happily down for his nap. I therefore have a quiet house for a while. Enough time to upload some photos and get them printed 🙂
Today is a good day for raking leaves. Working him hard.... 😀 He will have earned his supper.
snap fish has a offer on at the moment of £8.49 for 100 printed photos (not sure of the size) if you are interested, may need more than 10 minutes though 🙂
lady gaga just finished on 4music - found myself quite into her songs now, that is my son's doing - as he thought his dad was getting too old listening to too much Magic on the radio 😯
for the prints you have to use janprints10 - offer ends Thursday 28th at midnight.......
That is a lot of photos!!!
Just getting rid of some 'grubs' on Gears of war 2.
Thanks for the idea. I have 40 free prints because I was given a photo frame for Christmas !!
I think I must make too many cups of tea during the day...
Does anybody fancy a chat and a cuppa later this evening (I'm going out for a few hows right now).
I've been around for a while, sipping a 2% larger, and wonder if anyone else is online...
TV on in background. Have already seen 50 first dates and Click. nice films to relax with.
The kettle has been on, and must take a cuppa upstairs to go solder the power socket back onto 'the old laptop' - poor thing has been mended sooo many times :geek:
Anyone around in a while when I'm eating my sarnies??
im here Mr orange.
Just got home after my shift at DadTalk towers.
She who must be obeyed and my daughter are out so it's just me a the dogs .......
@goonerplum aha, you have 2 she-who-must-be-obeyed's!!
i'm now stopping fiddley-fingers from 'helping' me post here (usually he's happy watching a tiny window in the corner if i put a cartoon on it - but boredom soon looms after 2 or 3 mins). He's now stealing lunch from my she-who-must-be-objeyed - nope, he's back now!
brb, just putting the kettle on.
Usually refer to my daughter as the hormone monster 😉 but I think she would agree with your name for her.
Im deffo well down in the pecking order.......just below the 2 dogs and the 3 cats 😆
Already got a cuppa and surfing the interweb. Stumbleupon is turning out to be quite addictive.
I've been trying to get little-handful to enjoy a bit of Ice Age 3. He does some lovely loud 'false laughter' at the action parts and wanders off when there is bit of slow story.
I better decide what to do with the leftover chicken once I have given it a really good fry.... maybe a stir fry.
My friends little handful is addicted to Finding Nemo - u can't drag him away from it.
He's just over 2 and loves saying "ey dude", "mine, mine, mine" and "meemo" whilst its on. 😀
tried getting him into Monsters inc but with no luck.......he's a nemo man all the way.
I'm here too,
working (or pretending to work anyway)
50 mins and counting till home time
Hey guys.
Gooner...i'm sorry, i dont hold out much hope for you
Darren...have you finished yet? Or do you have half an hr to go?
On a completely different note, i ordered something for my wife off ebay for our anniversary and it isnt what i was expecting at all! doh!
Hi Bas,
Gooner...i'm sorry, i dont hold out much hope for you
I'm trying to keep gooners spirits up fella. He'll get all the realism he needs over the 45 mins..... 😆
sorry fella, but they do say it's better to go into these things with your eyes open.
And dont worry, one of the guys at work is a Gooner too (although being from B'Ham, go figure) so I plenty of practice with the putdowns during the week 😆
Hey guys.
Gooner...i'm sorry, i dont hold out much hope for you
Darren...have you finished yet? Or do you have half an hr to go?
On a completely different note, i ordered something for my wife off ebay for our anniversary and it isnt what i was expecting at all! doh!
still here looking for something to do for the last part of the day.
I'm almost scared to ask what arrived instead 😕
On a completely different note, i ordered something for my wife off ebay for our anniversary and it isnt what i was expecting at all! doh!
Really intrigued now - what were you trying to buy and what did you actually get ? ❓
Yeah I want to know as well .......
Can't just pop on and give really vague details like that. 😎 )
lol, nothing as interesting as what you're imagining, im sure.
Was meant to be perfume, but it was a voucher for discount off some perfume...think i've been suckered in! GRRR 😡
i'm gonna try. Now i'm thinking that the things you were all thinking might have been a better gift idea than this stupid bit of paper!
On second thoughts....with the OH being 9 months pregnant i'm not sure it'd go down that well... 🙄
Not yet but the way Djourou is playing at RB it won't be very long........... 😕
Just wondered, as it's not often you get a group of guys of mixed ages chatting about the same topics.
nice to see ur a bit shifty on the "actual" figure Normal lol
(i'm 29 btw)
yay - we're a bunch of old gits 😀
I feel old today after 2 weeks with very little sleep.
Just wondered, as it's not often you get a group of guys of mixed ages chatting about the same topics.
That's what the forums about mate - as most of us never actually grow up, we all ........
[censored] - Chelski one up .........
Sorry where was I, oh yeah .....as most of us never actually grow up, you'll be supprised how much we have in common.
😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
Brilliant - match update mid sentence........ i feel you pain G.
I feel old today after 2 weeks with very little sleep.
why little sleep mate?
Gooner, that's why I enjoy this forum so much. Not too many times you can just have some down time and chat so always good for me
I just roused the beast, so have another good 10 mins before I have to become all responsible again! ha ha
I just roused the beast, so have another good 10 mins before I have to become all responsible again! ha ha
Cool - don't think we're gonna get much sense out of Gooner at the moment - his focus is elsewhere....
Bas - how old are your kids....
I'm still here - just watching the match, reading posts and tweeting to my gooner followers..
Multi task city here......
Shame he cant be rehabilitated or something, it's just not natural to be a gooner! LOL
The older 2 are my step-kids, they'e 7 & 3 and then my little man is expected to make his appearance in 10 days (supposedly). what about yours?
yep 459 of them........ why they would want to read my tweets during a match god only knows 😀
I have two set kids 20 & 24 (neither living at home) a step grandson whose 2 (now I feel old) and a 15 yo daughter......
so you're ahead of me in respects of dealing with the hormones. I dont know how you do it mate, my 7 yr old is hormonal enough, I cant imagine it getting worse!
two sets of kids huh? LOL the oldest one being 24 huh, that makes you...what...16/17 yrs older. wow! cool but...wow!
yeah my house is hormone city at the moment..........
I'm nearly forty one but my wife is 5 years older than me.......
I dont know how you do it mate, my 7 yr old is hormonal enough, I cant imagine it getting worse!
It will get far worse.........lots of caffine keeps me going - have learnt to bite my tongue a lot and through trial and error learnt to pick my battles.
i'm saving up for a shed where i can escape to when the time comes, I dont fancy 3 of them with raging hormones and a hormonal wife too...... 🙄
you never what might happen now mate! you reckon you can do 2-1?
uh oh, i hear movement!
better go and look busy
enjoy the match gooner....have a good afternoon normal
Think Chelski are looking the most dangerous.
Shed is a great idea - I have a spare room kitted out as my office/sanctuary, both me and the wife hide out there when we have to....... 😆
Thank god for mobile phones with internet, as im sitting in my ar outside an optitians in Cardiff waiting for my girlfriend go finish an eye examination, she went in over an hour ago and ive been told to expect to wait anothef 90 min 🙁 (
so much for a nice long weekend
I always come on in the evenings around 8 to 9 o'clock if ever anyone wants to chat!!
I try to get on as much as possible but my wife prob spends 15 hours of the day on the computer usually i have to wait till she goes to bed
I'm having lunch brielfy...
Have been smashing hardcore so my mate will take it away soon - its been hanging around the front of the house for several weeks.
Must get some of that chocolate cake now
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