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[Solved] On line dating

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Just thought i'd start another topic on this subject so as not to hijack another thread where it was mentioned.

So who's dabbled and managed to find love?

actd has and so have I, anyone else?

also anyone have any good stories to tell? I have a few but i'll let someone else go first.


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(@Super Mario)
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Having been married for just over a million years I have never done it - but if my marriage ever breaks down there are lots of Russian beauties who are keen to talk to me.

Cant wait!!!

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I seem to have suddenly become popular with them as well

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Just a word of 2005 after 18months of being single out of a 14yr relationship i thought i'd give it a try......and that's where i met my now ex again....we had 5yrs together....2yrs i'd say were good to OK....then she pushed n pushed for a baby..(yes it take two i know) but she did the pushing until i gave in.
That's pretty much when her controlling nature began to surface and become more destructive to our relationship......end results have been broadcast by me on here i won't go into again.

That should've put me off i guess.....but i will say i'm neverous around women, can't caht them up in a bar or club to save my life (lol) so its a great way of getting to know someone and finding out if you have anything in comon before you actually meet.

it is also a minefield of ticking biological clocks and plans from the few i've dated from online since my ex....

a couple of examples:

Met a local girl 5 years younger than me....we got on...met on better....two months after we first met she's telling me she is in love with me and wants us to move in together so we'll be able to see each other more than the twice a week we were....also she then tells me how she'd like to be married before she turns 35 (a years time!!)
needless to say when i said don't you think that bit quick i got the "you're obviously not in to me as much as i am you!" speach....things ended quite quickly.

Met what i thought from online was a slender fitness instructer.....turned out to be a primary school teacher who i would say (politely) was about 5'4" and about size 18!!!
She said she was average!! the USA maybe (i'm no model i know but i am honest!)

However there are good n bad amongst everything in this online dating thing.....many seem to just be desperate even though they at first say they only want what everyone wants.....someone who care about them as much as they care about you.

Take care online.....there are some very strange people out there lol

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Posts: 1072

your right it is a mine field I chatted to loads of females and met lots too,

I was going through a stage of not wanting to be in a relationship but wanting company and people to go out with.

I really enjoyed meeting everyone I met, even the not so great ones, each one was very different.

I had experience of a few that were stretching the truth in their "about me" sections in both figure and looks and some had pictures that were more than a few years old.

the odd ones I had contact with include a lady (I use this word loosely) who after an hour of talking on line sent me naked pictures!

someone who when we met spent 40 mins telling me how she makes her ex's life as difficult as she can when it comes to seeing the children, needless to say I Was quite open with my views on that and left her sitting in the bar, this whole date lasted an hour from start to finish, and it didn't help she wasn't honest with her write up on herself or her photo.

On better notes I met a lady who had an amazing story to tell of her life and how bad it had been, getting kicked from every angle, after nearly loosing her life in a fire, she was very positive about life and had trained to run the great north run and half marathons after being told she would probably never walk again.

and a lady I found I had similar interest with and we always laughed loads when we went out.

neither of the above really went anywhere and as I said I wasn't looking for anything serious, Then I met another lady who from our 2nd meeting got my very silly (and sometimes a bit wrong) humour, we went out more and more and chatted through out the day in txt and on the phone, I met her son and she met mine and they met each other, before long I wasn't going home to my own flat. Before I knew it we had been seeing each other for 12months, well on the 1 year anniversary we went back to the pub where we met and I popped the question, that was 6 months ago (yesterday to be exact) I didn't expect to meet anyone I would want to live with let aline marry.

there are some odd [censored] out there but as long as you take as you find and are able to be honest and up front (and tactfull) there is a lot of fun to be had and you never know who you might meet.

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Posts: 232

Having not got involved with online dating, I know at least 4 couples who are happily married since meeting online.
Having read the above stories and from other people I know, I am SOOOO glad I'm not in the dating game any more!

Joined: 12 years ago

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Posts: 8

I joined plenty of fish dot com. everyone including me has a story to tell. I met nice nasty generally f*cked up people on there and ended up falling in love with one of em, been together for 3 years and now have a 11 month old son,, she is just like me has a black sense of humour potty mouth kind etc her glass is not half full.. she just drinks from the bottle!

incidentally any dads in merseyside with a black sense of humour and have a baby as young as my son let me know i crave adult conversation , 'a buggy on the way home via spoons for one sort of walk' ... mr blooms nursery and disney club house songs are now in my head 24-7 ..



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