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[Solved] Old Brake Up

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Old Brake Up

An elderly man and his wife decided to separate. Before being
allowed to do so legally, the Family Court insisted they undergo some
counselling from the marriage guidance mob, to see if their union could be
The counsellor did her best, but to no avail. The old folk were absolutely determined to go through with separation leading to divorce.
Finally, in some desperation, the counsellor said: "But you're 95 and your wife is 93. You've been married for 72 years! Why do you want to separate now??"
To which the wife replied: "We haven't been able to stand each other for the last 46 years. But we thought we should wait until all the children died before we split up."

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Posts: 606

... you're 95 and your wife is 93. ... for 72 years! ... for the last 46 years.

πŸ˜† and i even found myself doing the maths about how old the kids were.


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