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[Solved] November fun
Thought this might keep people busy. I'll leave this running for the whole of November, after which I shall personally donate a box of chocolates (delivered) to the person who gets the most questions correct. I'll throw in a bonus if the winner can get the answer to 6 (which I think is far more difficult than the rest!). Mods are welcome to try since they've got no better idea than anyone else 😀
To make life slightly easier, if the letter is in lower case, then the word is either 'a'/'an' or 'the'
Have fun:
If 7 DOTW means 7 Days of the Week
What do these mean?
1 MAHD - 1 man and his dog - basdad
2 PIaP - 2 peas in a pod - goonerplum
2 SOaLT - 2 shakes of a lambs tail - goonerplum
3 BM - 3 blind mice - basdad
4 SIaPOC - 4 suits in a pack of cards - goonerplum
- 6 minutes to midnight - current time on the doomsday clock - goonerplum and basdad
8 LOaS - 8 legs on a spider - basdad
10 GH
10 DS - 10 downing street - basdad
11 PIaFT - 11 players in a football team - super mario
12 MIaY - 12 months in a year - super mario
13 = UFS - unlucky for some - curry22
13 = aBD - a bakers dozen - super mario
15 MOaDMC - 15 men on a dead mans chest - basdad
18 HIaSROG - 18 holes in a standard (or single) round of golf - rokitsalad
20 TItPL. - 20 teams in the premier league - curry22
22 YIaCP - 22 yards in a cricket pitch - basdad
24 HFT - 24 hours from Tulsa - goonerplum
28 DIFEIaLY - 28 days in February except in a leap year - super mario
40 DOL - 40 days of lent - basdad
- 42 the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything - rokitsalad
50 SOtAF - 50 stars on the American flag - basdad
99 RB - 99 red balloons - curry22
100 PIaP - 100 pennies in a pound - curry22
101 D - 101 dalmations - curry22
666 = tNOtB - the number of the beast - curry22
Thought of a better way of doing this, to encourage posting. If you get the answer, post it on here. If you get it right, then you 'bank' the answer and no-one else can count it.
Hi curry 22.
Yep, those are all correct.
Funny thing is that even though I only compiled the list today, I'm struggling with some of them. Just as well I wrote the answers down 😀
12 Months in a year
28 Days in February except in a leap year
13 = a bakers dozen
11 players in a football team (at the start of a game if Chelsea!!!)
Am I winning?
In which case I will add a few more!
12 DOC
3 LP
2 LB
The new rule if you answer any you need to replace!!
Well, you're level with curry22, but the new rule's a nice idea, though deciding the winner will be tricky 😀
20 teams in the premier league
210867 RFTItUK
210867 - registered football teams in the uk
Google is my friend 😆
360 DIaC
1 MAHD - 1 man and his dog
some for you to try...
1 flew over the cuckoos nest
0 freezing point of water
And correct with 1MAHD and 15MOaDMC
The Answer To the Ultimate Question Of Life The Universe And Everything! 😀
18 Holes in a Single Round of Golf
Well, I had it as standard rather than single, but yours is just as good. And 42 is correct also.
Have i missed out on this ? [censored]
Not at all, most done so far is 6 (curry22) and there's still 11 to go 😆
2 PIaP 2 peas in a pod ?
2 SOaLT 2 Shakes of a lambs tail ?
4 SIaPOC 4 suits in a pack of cards ?
3 BM 3 Blind Mice ?
24 HFT 24 hours from tulsa ?
Hey Gooner!
Dont go nicking my 3 Blind Mice answer just coz you came late to the party! 😆
yep, all correct gooner, but basdad did get 3 blind mice first, I just missed putting up in the original post.
still anyone's game 😀
thought those two extras were easier (and don't count towards the original competition I set) but the other is correct.
still no ideas on 6?
dont forget my 8 legs on a spider one too
oops, missed that one as well - sorted now 😀
that's 8 you've got now I think.
whilst you lot have been extracting the urine...I am closing in on the answer to 6.
so far I have got:
6 minutes to midnight - CTO the doomsday clock
I'm enjoying this - that was a real toughie......
you're close, but not there yet - definitely credit for being along the right lines
is it 6 minutes to midnight, current time of the doomsday clock
yep, that's the one 😀
oh yeah baby, i got it, i got it....sorry, got a bit carried away there.
I guess I should give gooner some of the credit for that
Gooner...i'm leaving to you, it's too late for my brain to be working this kinda stuff out
Well, I reckon the scores so far are:
Basdad - 8.25
Goonerplum - 4.75 (well, you did get most of the answer to 6)
Super Maria - 3
Curry22 - 6
Rokitsalad - 2
There's 3 left to go, so Basdad's looking like the favourite to win, though Curry22 could just still take the prize 😀
Basdad - 8.25
Goonerplum - 4.75 (well, you did get most of the answer to 6)
Super Maria - 3
Curry22 - 6
Rokitsalad - 2
Since when did I have a [censored] change!!!
ha ha, that had me cracking up, i didnt notice before!
I think they are...
10 GH
Basdad - 8.25
Goonerplum - 4.75 (well, you did get most of the answer to 6)
Super Maria - 3
Curry22 - 6
Rokitsalad - 2Since when did I have a [censored] change!!!
haha, a complete accident, but very funny.
ok, answers to remaining questions
1 VORBIS = value of red ball in snooker
10 GH = 10 Gallon Hat
20 FOIaIP = fluid ounces in an imperial pint
Winner is basdad - I haven't seen him on here for a couple of weeks - some feeble excuse about having a baby 🙂
I'll have a think.
Still waiting for basdad to reappear - I owe him a box of choccies. 🙂
Winner is basdad - I haven't seen him on here for a couple of weeks - some feeble excuse about having a baby 🙂
Well, thanks. Part of the reason I've not been on here, is yes, something as trivial as a baby came up. But the other big part of it was that when the new site was implemented, my login got cancelled!!!! 🙁 Fortunately I'm back up and running now so dont think you got rid of me that easily 😀
On having a baby as well as winning the November fun 🙂
And good to have you back on here between nappy changes 😆
On having a baby as well as winning the November fun 🙂
And good to have you back on here between nappy changes 😆
not sure which I'm more proud of! ha ha.
I'll forward to that box of choccies 😀
- 6 minutes to midnight - current time on the doomsday clock - goonerplum and basdad
Oh, this is now wrong - time changed to 5 minutes to midnight yesterday 🙁 🙁
They put it back a minute a couple of years ago, because of the progress that looked like was happening on nuclear disarmament and climate change. I think they've decided they were being a little over-optimistic, as pretty much no progress was made after all, plus the Fukushima incident (you know, I never realised until I just typed the name out, how approporiate the first 5 characters of that name really are) made them reconsider their original decision and put it forwards again.
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