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New Mobile - Any su...
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[Solved] New Mobile - Any suggestions

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The time has come for me to upgrade my mobile. I quite fancy a HTC Tattoo - anyone got one and able to tell me if u rate it or not ? Anyone else have any other suggestions ?

All advice is most welcome.

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iPhone iPhone iPhone iPhone iPhone iPhone iPhone

Nuff said ! πŸ˜† :ugeek:

(@Super Mario)
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Well I couldn't resist this topic - and it is not all about one phone...unlike our previous advertisement from Mr Apple!!!

Before you buy decide which features are important
Camera - you can get upto 12 megapixels but if you dont plan to do anything with the photos then that doesn't matter!
All phones have music players and some have radios
All are bluetooth now
Memory all phones are expandable
3G - if you plan to go online then this is a minimum and consider the high speed internet.

Whilst the iphone is amazing if you are not on O2 then this could cause an issue, also the battery life is poor
If you like e-mail the consider the blackberry bold
If you want the best camera then the Sony Ericsson Satio

I would go to a network store and ask to look at the phones and play with it - you wouldn't buy a car without test driving it.

You can always walk away and then order on line where you are able to return it within 7 days!!!

Good luck
Mario the phone geek (according to my children!!!)

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I heard that O2 have lost their iPhone sole supplier deal and that Vodafone would be able to offer it as well - checked the Vodafone site and they say that its coming soon.

Who is your contract with as that will effect which phones are available to you ?

Though Mario does appear to be living up to his phone geek nickname πŸ˜‰ he does appear to know his stuff - some good advice.

I'll know who to speak to when I'm due an upgrade πŸ˜€

Maybe we should start up a Super Mario Talks mobiles blog πŸ˜‰

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I have been a long time Palm fan, and my Treo still does most of what I want it to do - organiser, phone (obvious, but I had an XDA a long time back which was virtually unusable), e-book reader, touch screen and QWERTY keypad with lots of customisation. Unfortunately, their last version (Centro) has a very bad bug and the PalmOS has now been dropped for all purposes.

The new Palm Pixi, when it arrives, looks quite tempting, but otherwise the HTC Touch Pro (& 2) looks good to me. I no longer renew my phone on my contract, but buy offline - gives me an unlocked phone and I have my contract down to Γƒβ€šΓ‚Β£5 per month which offsets the cost of buying the phone.

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I'm on Vodafone.

I'm looking for internet access (so i can visit dadtalk and facebook etc), emails, plays music (mp3's), texts - not too bothered about camera as I have a digital camera.

Thought the HTC tattoo offered all these features for a reasonable price and looked ok as well. I liked the look of the Satio but didn't want a better camera on the phone that much that I could justify an extra Γƒβ€šΓ‚Β£10.00 a month.

still open to other suggestions......

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

May be worth doing what I do, which is to negotiate a loyalty discount (easy to do, you tell them you are thinking of leaving them) plus a further discount if you don't upgrade your phone, and then buying a phone off-line (ie unlocked) with the savings.

Try looking at - there's some pretty decent smartphones on there for under Γƒβ€šΓ‚Β£200.

(@Super Mario)
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Hi Babel

The iphone is coming to Vodafone and Orange in the new year and will obviously be very popular and of course the price will come down considerably.

You may get a better deal from your network if you threaten to leave but remember most netwirks expect a 25% churn so if you don't want to leave the beware!

For internet phones make sure you get the HSDPA which can now connect at upto 7.2 mps - you may need to get your network to enable it.

I personally would go for something with a big screen and qwerty key pad so maybe the blackberry bold or google phone. The iphone is a good option.

Happy shopping!!!

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Posts: 123

So like i said chaps

iPhone iPhone iPhone iPhone ... πŸ˜€ BIG CHEESY GRIN...

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

>I personally would go for something with a big screen and qwerty key pad so maybe the blackberry bold or google phone. The iphone is a good option.

Er, the iPhone doesn't have the qwerty keypad. You could try the new Palm Pre (which is being heavily pushed on TV at the moment and is very much iPhone with keypad in style) or await the new Palm Pixi.

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Posts: 178

Thanks for all the suggestions - im gonna try the HTC Tattoo and see how I get on with it.

I'll let you know how i find it if you like.

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Posts: 178

Had the phone for almost five days and am in love........

If you want a phone that surfs the web, emails, play MP3's, has all the bells and whistles but are not bothered about a brilliant camara then I would highly recomend it.

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Hi there

I have just got a new Blackberry Bold and it is great - does everything and more

Internet at fast speed
Music - I have an 8GB card

Don't know how I survived without one!!!

Just need some friends to phone me now πŸ˜†


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