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If you can remember...
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[Solved] If you can remember these then your showing your age........

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Can your remember these ?

- Shops closed on Sundays.
- Pipkins
- Penny mix (15 - 20 sweets mind u)
- 50p pocket money being a fortune
- Football Clubs changing their kits every ten years
- The layer of cream on top of a pint of gold top
- When you had to buy The Radio AND TV Times at Christmas to get a list of all the Channels
- the only phone you have is connected to the wall in your hallway
- only having 3 or maybe even 4 TV channels and some only start at 10am
- not having a car available during the day while dad was at work
- the test card
- The white dot when you turned the TV off.
- hot water bottles
- real leather footballs (so heavy that when wet they wouldn't move no matter how hard you kicked them)
- putting Dubbin on your footy boots
- Choppers, Chippers and Tomahawks
- Huge yellow tonka toys
- Taping the top 40 and trying to cut off Tony Blackburn.
- Grey tennis [censored]
- The Goodies
- Pink custard
- Getting money back on Corona bottles
- Shoot's league ladders
- Roy of the Rovers
- Bread and Dripping for breakfast.

If you can - then you are of a certain age.......anything you miss or remember fondly from your youth ?

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😀 lol: 😀

How about Monkey and The Water Margin on BBC2
Top Deck Shandy
Blakes 7
ZX80's and ZX81's
when computer programming only involved 10 Print Mike is Great
20 Goto 10
loading computer games from tape and the high pitched ear bleeding wheeeee noises they made when loading.

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Yep im old... 😆 😆

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I loved my ZX81.... wish i'd not sold it at a car boot sale for £10

Also i think i had a Boxer bike - my mates had the Striker and Grifters (with 3 gears they were 'it').... does that make me slightly younger though??

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I had completely forgotton about pink custard 😮

(@Super Mario)
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My kids were complaining that there was nothing on TV the other day - what with over 200 channels to choose from. I told them that when I was their age there were 3 channels and one of which only worked for half a day.

How old do you think I felt?
PS I had a Commodore 64!!! 😆

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btw, I had a ZX81 that crashed sooooooo often. And just typing this reminds me of the intermittent keyboard 'press buttons' and the wonderful loading/saving sounds 😎 )

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interesting! I must be from before? I only remember my PE shorts which were no different from school uniform the only difference was the colour. 😀 D

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Shops closed on Sundays?

I remember them being closed on Wednesday afternoons 😥

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[censored] yes I remember Shops closing on an afternoon midweek 😀

(@JJ now saved)
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Football kits didn't wear sponcers

(@Super Mario)
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What about the only football on TV was Match of the Day or the Big Match!!!

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Buses had conductors. Trains had doors that you had to open yourself, and took some strength to do so.

(@Super Mario)
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Some more:

Soda stream!!!!
Echo margarine
Who remembers watching the monkees, champion the wonder horse and why don't you? - you knew it was the school holidays.

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Rolf Harris learn to swim ads on TV

The Tufty Club

The green cross code man (Remember I won't be there when you cross the road) before he became Darth Vader

Charley Say's

Paperplay (with itsy and bitsy)

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...when there was no internet? anyone remembers that? 😀

on a serious note, anyone on here ever been on FidoNET ?

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No, what is FidoNet?

I remember pre-internet. I remember sending messages by Teletype

(@Super Mario)
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I remember writing letters to my girlfriend at the time and waiting anxiously everyday for a reply!!!

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letters - I can't remember the last time i wrote one of those 🙂

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Ooh, don't write letters these days, but I still use a fountain pen 🙂

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could be worse - u could have said quill pen 😆

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How about your parents drinking the 70's festive drinks - Babycham and my personal fav a snowball. Class

(@Super Mario)
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I remember being allowed a snowball on special occasions - I reckon the advokat lasted for 10 years!!!

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Ooh, I remember snowballs as well. Very nice 🙂

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sadly i remember it all some fondly some not toe punting a wet leather ball!!!! AGONY the opposite being a really thin plastic one from woolies woolco super wolf rings a bell , used to last bout 5 mins ,get popped and the kid who owned it would go home sobbing. why dont you in the summer hols , unigate's humphry ad the red and white stripey straw 'watch out theres a humphry about'.ah the good OLD!!! days lol

(@Super Mario)
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You Know You're a Child of the 80's when...

You remember when the biggest mystery in the world was who shot J.R.

Alvin Stardust taught you how to cross the road, using the classic phrase “you must be out of your tiny minds”... a bit rich coming from a man wearing a glove and a ring on the outside!

You remember a 'Man's got to chew, what a Man's got to chew'.

You remember when there was no breakfast TV and when TV shut down at midnight, and when there was nothing on TV in the middle of the day except for that test card girl with the stupid clown and a blackboard.

You know that another name for a keyboard is a Synthesizer

You can name at least half of the members of the elite Brat Pack.

You wanted to be a Goonie.

You remember when ATARI was a state of the art video game system.

And Pong was tops until Donkey-Kong came along, which you thought would never be surpassed.

You own any cassettes.

You own any Spandau Ballet cassettes.

You remember dancing to popsters like Debbie Gibson and Tiffany.

You were led to believe that in the year 2000 we'd all be living on the moon, wearing silver suits and driving cars that flew... because that's what Raymond Baxter and Judith Hann said would happen!

You know who Max Headroom is. But did you ever find out if he was r-r-r-r-r-real?

You wore fluorescent, neon clothing.

You could breakdance, or wished you could.

You wanted to be The Hulk for Halloween.

You Believed that By the power of Greyskull, you HAD the power.

Partying like its 1999 seemed SO far away.

You remember when Mark from Eastenders was Tucker Jenkins.

And Frank was saying 'GGGGGGGO!!!!' on Runaround.

You watched Carry On films and thought they were really rude.

You remember what skin jeans were (and why everyone shouldn't have worn a pair!)

You owned a pair of Nomads

You thought that Transformers were more than meets the eye.

You wore a banana clip at some point during your youth, or knew someone who did.

You hold a special place in your heart for Back to the Future.

You remember David Hasselhoff when he wore clothes and talked to his car.

You know where to go if you wanna go where everybody knows your name.

You thought Molly Ringwald was REALLY cool.

You actually thought Dirty Dancing was a REALLY good movie.

You have heard of Cabbage Patch Dolls.


You remember and/or own any Care Bear's or Chiccaboo's.

Poltergeist freaked you out.

You carried your lunch to school in a Gremlins or an ET lunchbox.

You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the ONLY female smurf.

You wore bike shorts underneath a short skirt and felt stylish, or knew someone who did.

You ever had a Swatch Watch.

You wanted a Morph.

You know the profound meaning of Wax on, Wax off.

You had WonderWoman or Superman underwear.

You remember that spiky flat-tops were the rave after Top Gun.

You rolled your jacket sleeves up to the elbow.

You know what Wham Bars, Spangles, Pacers and Banjos are.

You used to boast about how they would achieve those motorcycle formation shots in CHiPs.

You used to get into the family car by sliding through the open window Dukes of Hazzard style.

You saw Ghostbusters 7 times.

You ran around the playground saying: "We came, we saw, we kicked [censored]!"

You knew all the opening monologues to: The A-team, StreetHawk and Airwolf.

Kajagoogoo? Thompson Twins? FGTH? Twisted Sister?

You remember Nena's hairy armpits

Saturday was Multi Coloured Swap Shop day.

You remember the theme to the Banana Splits.

The words 'I'm gonna live forever, i'm gonna learn how to fly' are special to you.

You or someone you know had an Evil Knievel toy.

All girls wanted to be a Charlie's Angel.

All boys wanted all girls to be Charlie's Angels too!

You wore leg-warmers (or knew someone who did)

You know what "Dealy Boppers" are.

You used to stick both thumbs up and say 'Aaaaaaayyyyyyy'

There was nothing strange about Bert 'n' Ernie living together... or Morecambe and Wise sharing a bed!

You learned to swim after seeing the advert with Rolf Harris ... or the bloke (with the fairy godmother) who couldn't keep his girlfriend.

You've ever said "bright light, bright light" in a strange high-pitched voice

You know the theme tune and the names of all the actors and characters in Dallas & Dynasty.

You ever wished your hair/clothes/lifestyle resembled the above (or they actually did!).

The kids on “Why Don't You” looked old... and cool... and you know the full name of the programme.

You wanted to be either Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys.

You wanted to go to a Swaparama... but they were never near to you.

You remember watching a house inhabited by a jester, a pantomime horse, and a woman who sneezed, and thinking that this was perfectly normal.

You know who Joey Deacon was.

Ca-vey Wa-vey!" means anything to you.

Remmington makes you think of something other than shaving equipment.

K-Tel was a major force in music.

You owned a Ronco Buttoneer.

You wouldn't say no to a milkshake

You remember when PC had one meaning, rather than three.

(Girls) You owned a pair of Pixie Boots, generally worn with leg warmers!

(Boys) You owned a pair of pale grey slip-ons, generally worn with white toweling socks!

Ooh, you could crush a Grape!

You've ever held a chicken in the air, or stuck a deckchair up your nose.

You went to school with Pogo Patterson, Gripper Stebson, and Roland.

Giant Haystacks and Big Daddy have ever featured on your Saturday afternoon

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Excellent Mario.........

I still say "bright light, bright light" from time to time 😀

Can anyone remember who shot JR ?

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Excellent Mario.........

I still say "bright light, bright light" from time to time 😀

Can anyone remember who shot JR ?

Never watched Dallas, but my boss at the time was an avid fan. I think Sue Ellen shot JR.

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JR: Wasn't it all a dream?

(@Super Mario)
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Hi all

No it was Kristin - who was Sue Ellen's sister I think!!!

I remember watching it nearly 30 years ago - in the days when they aired it on tv in America and then in the UK only hours later

How sad am I?


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yeah - deffo Kristin 😆

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It was? Did Sue Ellen kill anyone then?

(@Super Mario)
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Herself with alcohol!!!!

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How about BETAMAX?

i remember referring to porn films as bold or taboo films!

Atari game console and Pacman!!! the best!!!

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hi I had a Amstrad CP464 and an Aquarius computer.

how old !!!!!!!!! 😆

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ahhh. ZX81.....

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My brother had a 464... He is eight years older than me though.

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For those of you, who are too young to remember the CP464 here it is

The Aquarius is here

And my fav the zx81 with the 16k expansion ram pack fitted 😆

(@Super Mario)
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Hi all

My kids looked at me strangely when I mentioned CEEFAX earlier today!!

But what was ITVs version called?


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This is a trick question isn't it, becuase by answering the question, I'm showing my age.

But the answer is Oracle - the generic term term was Teletext.

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What about the little girl and humpty dumpty (the test card)appearing after the TV channels had ended - now they are 24 hours per day ( albeit a load of rubbish for the majority of the night).

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My daughter (18 yo) asked me the other day what a Walkman was. I thought she was joking 😆 - then I realised she wasn't 😥

(@Super Mario)
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As previously mentioned I was sorting out my vinyl collection - the 12" singles raised a few eyebrows!!

Also realised that my stereo has a tape deck but I dont have any tapes!!!

Be a shame to replace it though

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Know the feeling - I have a B&O system which looks beautiful, but I don't buy vinyl, don't have tapes and the radio will be useless when we switch to digital, so out of the four separate units, only the CD player will be of much use, and the Radio will need to be kept as it's also the amp. 🙁

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Posts: 126

My youth
My hair
My eye sight
My 28” waist trousers

Oxford bags
Platform shoes/boots

The widespread and appalling, yet curiously acceptable, incidence of racism
Bread shortages
Power cuts
My father's refusal to buy (Irish) Kerrygold butter

Dave Sexton
Bertie Mee
Matt Busby
Bill Shankley

The taste of vegetables (yes it’s true, food really did used to have taste)
Salad with caterpillars
Chicken Supreme

Buying cigarettes individually from dodgy corner shops
Smoking in alleyways
The cane ...or in the case of PE teachers, the slipper/plimsoll
Intellectual debate and critique on the various merits of Star Wars and 2001 a Space Odyssey

Girlie mags that your mate had stolen from his paper-round shop
Jenny Agutter
Ursula Andress
Sally James

Darned socks
8 track cartridge players
The Sinclair C5
Watney's Party 7

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My father's refusal to buy (Irish) Kerrygold butter

Really 😆

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Buying cigarettes individually from dodgy corner shops

I remember those and can remember when they were banned.

(@Super Mario)
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Went to an auction recently and watched a sinclair c5 sell for £300!!!

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Went to a hotel years ago in Evesham that was using one as a plant pot. A friend of mine still has one.


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