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Games console for 6...
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[Solved] Games console for 6/7 year old

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Hi there,

My 6 year old son has become something of a gamer over the last year or so. He enjoys playing games on his mum's iPad - things like Temple Run, Sonic Dash, that Talking Cat (OK for 5 minutes but after 30 it grates a bit!).

We have been thinking recently about getting a games console for "the whole family" for xmas. I have been planning on doing some research but don't really know where to start. We want to get something that we can have control of - so handheld like DS we have decided is out - and that we can all share in sometimes. His grandparents who live close by have a Wii so i kind of thought that might be a waste of money.

It isn't important necessarily that it is bang up to date. I have heard X-box is good - is that the one which you can also use to make music? - but any advice from those in the know would be really appreciated...

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Hi Joe,

I would suggest the Wii or the new Wii U. You can't beat Nintendo for family friendly fun. Microsoft and Sony may have sewn up the serious gamer console market - but for the occasional user and all round family fun then I would opt for the Wii U.


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I read some where that everyone's second console was the Wii - that's cos it was so much fun.

I think for a 6/7 year old you can't go wrong.

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Do you mean you can't go wrong with a Wii or with whatever we get?

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sorry joe i meant with a wii.

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Cheers BFO and Gooner,

The Wii U looks interested but is it handheld - ie could be taken up and away into a bedroom. We were hoping to avoid that!

Any tips on others to get and what might have the most longevity - hopefully last even into teenagehood (or is that wishful thinking!?)

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For the family, the Will is perfect. There are tons of family games for it and you won't have the portability issues that you are concerned about. Bear in mind though, that it's no longer in production and therefore will have little support. Pretty much most of it's online functions have been withdrawn too, now that the Wii U is out.

The PS3 and Xbox are decent alternatives and both have parental locks from their menus, so you can control what level of content your child has access too. As both consoles are about to be replaced their successors, you should soon find excellent prices around, too.


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The Wii U looks interested but is it handheld

No it's not. The main unit looks like the old Wii just not so square.

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It is partially handheld as the controller also acts as a tablet, enabling the user to wander off and watch tv on it or even carry on with a game.

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Cheers for all the advice. I am mulling it over. Only thing is there is Wii at his granny's house just round the corner, so at the moment i am thinking Xbox - is that crazy?

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My two year old grandson is getting a tablet because he's always monopolising my IPad! My six year old grandson has a PS3 and a Wii... He never plays with the Wii it's all about the PS3....he does like his Nintendo 3ds and he also steals my IPad!

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Hi there NJ,

Cheers for the reply. I posted a reply earlier on today but it seems to have disappeared from the board!?

Anyway, nevermind - i just wanted to say thanks re tablet advice - my son kind of has one (via my wife!) so we are thinking maybe something different - partly to keep him off that! Do you - or anyone - know whether an Xbox would be a good investment? His 10 year old cousin recommends it. I seem to remember being told you can also make music on it which is something i would also love to do with my kids.

Any replies gratefully received!

Joe 🙂

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Hi Joe,

I have no idea about making music on it but I can't see any reason why you shouldn't get it for your son. There should be loads of kids games for it (but of course the Wii has far more) and if you want to make sure that your son doesn't access anything unsuitable, you can you use the parental locks that are activated from the menu. You can even set up a code to access the Xbox itself, should you want to.

Hope this helps.


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Cheers ND

That's good to know re parental locks - I will scout around for a reasonably priced one of these i think. What should be expecting to pay?

Sorry for all these questions - it's just i stopped around the age of 12 with my Sega Master System! 😀 😀

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Hi Joe,

Here is a link that will help you choose something for your budget.



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