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[Solved] Gamer Dads

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Are there any gamer dads on here? I have always had a healthy interest in consoles, computers etc, since getting a ZX Spectrum (48k) when I was about 12. Since then my interest has never faded, only my free time since settling down!

A few years ago I bought a PS3 and love it to bits. It's perfect for when I get no say on what to watch on the tele. I can leave the girls to their cookery programs and reality rubbish and lose myself in some Call Of Duty in another room 🙂

I have a collection of retro consoles that I occasionally dig out. Pride of place is a Sega Dreamcast (remember them?!) and now and then my son will ask for us to play together on Pokemon Stadium on the Nintendo 64 :woohoo:

Anyway, if I'm not alone in this passion, then let me know. I always love a good gamers debate!


31 Replies
31 Replies
(@Super Mario)
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My son bought a PS3 with his christmas money and put it in his bedroom - not sure I have even seen it working!!!

I played Halo against them recently but couldn't even get close to them - I think my gaming days finished with Manic Miner!!!

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Nice one basszebra. I am utterly pants at multiplayer. Consider me the noob that gets killed an awful lot! What I really enjoy is team work in games! I'll look you up.


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My son bought a PS3 with his christmas money and put it in his bedroom - not sure I have even seen it working!!!

I played Halo against them recently but couldn't even get close to them - I think my gaming days finished with Manic Miner!!!

Just loved reading that 🙂

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Mine finished with lemmings 🙂

(@Ivan Dobski)
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Me me me! Although not had a good time of it of late Xbox packed up in Oct put it into get fixed cost £45 didnt play it for a bit played it at Christmas wrecked two discs then died after 30mins took it back to the shop it was repaired and explained situation so they take it back and say it'll cost an extra £10 to fix as it wasnt balled or something when they repaired it. Turns out now it cant be fixed so trundle along to the local pawn shop buy a 2nd hand on 2 weeks ago only to try and play new black ops game and it wont let me sign into xbox live as my hotmail acct has been hacked for spam so they have shut it all down awaiting them getting back to re-activate my acct. It's a pain in the [censored] as I cant even save progress playing on campaign as it keeps trying to sign me in.GGGGGGGRRRRRRRR 😡

(@Ivan Dobski)
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I know some people have had problems with the PS3 dying on them I'm not a heavy user either might play it for a few nights/hours then it wont be on again for months. New PS4/740 are going to be [censored] as well they wont allow you to use 2nd hand games etc

(@Super Mario)
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I can't get excited about these games - I am too slow too rubbish

I do dabble in a bit of online poker - joined one of the sites that gave away £12 when you register (didn't need to put my details in!!) and now have £85 - only play small stake tournaments

It certainly keeps me off the streets

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I can't get excited about these games - I am too slow too rubbish

I do dabble in a bit of online poker - joined one of the sites that gave away £12 when you register (didn't need to put my details in!!) and now have £85 - only play small stake tournaments

It certainly keeps me off the streets

I'm always wary of Poker Sites but signed up to Poker Stars, so I could play with pretend money. I didn't need to enter anything personal, so that was good. I'm no good at it, though 😆


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is anyone a pc gamer or knows lots about computers? iv got a hp ixtreme m3720, processor: intel core 2 quad q8300 @2.50ghz, ram:4gb. my computer rated my processor 7.3 so that'll do but the graphics card is absolute pants i think its a nvidia 7100, can anyone recommend a decent ugrade that'll enable me to play games like arma2 and eve online and should i double my ram and upgrade psu to 900w or something im looking for really good graphics and fps but i know absolutely nothing about computers, and can i fit these myself with youtube guides or is pc world a better option.

Those specs are pretty good and you're right, it's just your video card that needs improving. Mine is a Nvidia GT210 and is very, very basic. I'd like to upgrade mine in the near future as I'd love to play PSO 2, later this year.

I've done a bit of a look around and the following looks pretty good and for a modest price, too. The review was last summer but it should fit your bill and play new games, too. However, I am no expert and thoroughly recommend that you perform your own research, too!


(@Super Mario)
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With regard to graphics cards I was told that ones with dedicated graphics are the best as they don't use up RAM

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p.c gamer here BHD OR MWF

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Only PC game I still play is CM0102 😆

I do play the PS3 when I get chance though, which isn't often as the wife always wants the TV and wont allow me to plug it in to the other TV :whistle:

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I am a serious PC Gamer - I own something like 120 games.

At the moment i am heavily into Starcraft 2:Hots, Diablo 3 and Civ 5.

Used to play the COD - way too much, but every now and again i have a round of two.


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So what are Gamer Dads playing at the moment? I was recently quite heavily into Defiance for the PS3. I really liked the idea that the game could be updated adhoc, with content that was relevant to what was actually going on in real time, with the T.V. show. However, after being initially blown away with the sheer amount of weapons and their pretty effects, I realized it was not fun enough to overcome the repetitiveness and I also found the difficulty in the single player missions, very frustrating. I finally traded it yesterday and bought Skyrim again. Oh how i've missed it!


(@Super Mario)
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My son has just spent the last 30 minutes telling me how fantastic the new Xbox is going to be and that it is absolutely something that he won't be able to live without

Anyone who actually speaks English care to tell me why it is so good?

(@Super Mario)
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Hmmm not sure that was English I understand - as for recommending the ps4 forget it he is an Xbox convert and won't budge on that!

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I have my Xbox 360 which I play mainly call of duty and I bought a ps3 at Christmas and since then it's seen nothing but skylanders lol

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i am a footie manager addict.

Ever since seeing the stick men on the spectrum as a kid on the original football manager i was hooked.

I have had amastrad 64, and played footballer of the year which was one the best ever games i have played, starting of as an amatur and working thro the leagues and winning domestic trophies and going on to represent and win the woorld cup was awesome for a 12 13 yrold lad. happy daze indeed.

had an atari st, psone got a ps two somewhere, but never the same as playing champ manager and then the football manager series, after the split from champ manager the team went to sega and develped the football manager series.

Currently playing FM12 as last year i didnt have the cash to get FM13, might treat myself this year and upgrade to the FM14


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Hi all, gamer dad right here.

I have a ps3, i have owned every console released except for the Wii U.

I have had my PS4 preordered since June and am looking forward to another 5 weeks 2 days until i can go and (geekily) get into line at 10.30 at night to go and pick my lovely shiny console up.

I go to Eurogamer in london Earls Court every year, and this year had chance to play the new COD and Battlefield, as well as Killzone Shadowfall among other games.

Hope to get a few new names on my PSN account for the PS4 release!

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Blimey, it's been a while since I logged in. Life, it's been so very hectic!

I was feeling pretty jaded a while ago with video games and then GTA V came out and i'm hooked again 😆 What a game. Haven't got my head around the Online mode yet. I think I need more features to open up.

Not sure if i'll get a PS 4. Maybe when the price drops. Not interested at all in Xbox One. Wii U interests me more than anything else and for portable gaming, i'm giving serious consideration to a 2DS, as i'm not bothered about the 3D effects.


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Hey, I have a big retro collection, probably 2000 games at the highest but since I found that eBay prices are quite mental i've sold off a few hundred games I don't really play. Pretty much everything I have was £1 from the car booter, so to see the odd game go for £30 or £40 has been great! My best sale has been Castlevania Symphony of the Night for the PS1 which I got for £2 from a charity shop and sold for £90!!!

I've been running a Raspberry Pi with emulators for six months now, I have the best Snes, megadrive, and PS1 games on it. A brilliant device for about £50 all in, highly recommended. The kids love playing on cartridge games though, and when I put a SNES in the lads bedroom it was a massive hit. Mario Kart and Bomberman see as much use as Skylanders on the PS3 in our house 🙂

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BOOM.... Knew there would be a geek topic here somewhere!

So i have been PC gaming since 2005 with a little known game called Battlefield 2 and have played every battlefield game in the series... Including the [censored] ones.

But since i have been PC gaming, it has taught me to write programs and build computers and servers. I enjoy it all. My favourite pastime is scaring the [censored] out of hackers, script kiddies or just pest spammers. Its amazing what you can achieve with just an IP address.

I have made many friends playing PC games of which i have met at least half and now a few are really close "pint down the pub" friends and as you have on here, they have helped me through tough times.

BTW just in advance, because it always happens. I care not for flame wars. I prefer PC that is all. (just to nip it now just in case someone wanted to start "that" argument) haha.


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Hi Chimp, sound like you know your stuff! Yeah, I can't stand flame wars either. All they do is prove how ignorant some people can be. I have always had a wide collection of consoles and still own a fair few.

Saying that though, I'm giving very serious thought into buying a modest graphics card and getting Elite Dangerous. Oh yes... I could well be returning to PC gaming with that game!

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Raspberry Pi, eh? I might have to look that up 8)

Hey, I have a big retro collection, probably 2000 games at the highest but since I found that eBay prices are quite mental i've sold off a few hundred games I don't really play. Pretty much everything I have was £1 from the car booter, so to see the odd game go for £30 or £40 has been great! My best sale has been Castlevania Symphony of the Night for the PS1 which I got for £2 from a charity shop and sold for £90!!!

I've been running a Raspberry Pi with emulators for six months now, I have the best Snes, megadrive, and PS1 games on it. A brilliant device for about £50 all in, highly recommended. The kids love playing on cartridge games though, and when I put a SNES in the lads bedroom it was a massive hit. Mario Kart and Bomberman see as much use as Skylanders on the PS3 in our house 🙂

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In my youth, more years ago than I care to remember, I was an avid gamer.
From the Spectrum ZX, master system and megadrive days, progressing into the N64, Dreamcast and PS1.
I fondly remember completing Metal Gear Solid three times consecutively over a weekend before going to sleep, and racking up 140 hours on Final Fantasy 7.

I've owned most consoles at one time or another, and used to PC game alot too - though that kind of drifted off way back when Supreme Commander was fresh on the shelves! Nowadays I mainly stick to my PS3, when i get the opportunity to play it! (Bought the 50" tv for my gaming - now it proudly displays "the great british bake off" or "strictly come dancing" sigh!)

I have around 90 titles for my PS3, including the usual COD, Battlefield and other FPS games, as well as a multitude of "Lego" spin off games to play with the kids! But I hold a very special place in my heart for the Assassins Creed and Metal Gear Solid series of games.

... The only issue I have is that, when finally getting round to playing the latest Metal Gear recently, I picked up the controller, got stuck in and realised - I was rubbish!! All those years of gaming experience have faded away, leaving me to get my [censored] kicked by 10 year olds like a noob.

Determined to get back on par though! Lol.

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Nice man, elite dangerous is a very good game, i have a few friends that play it and have been considering buying it myself. I have got my eye on StarCitizen (similar to ED) but with FPS on planets, exploration and scanning of planets, pirates, trading. Multi crew ships (either with your friends or bots). some ships will have medical bays, fighter ships or exploration buggy's in the hull. Being able to walk round and fight over space stations. The only true next gen gaming i have seen. Check it out.
Please bear in mind though this is in early alpha and your not just buying the game, you are backing it. Moduals of the game (Fighting and racing currently) are out but as soon as it comes to beta, moduals will be no more and the persistent universe will be out.

If you need any help in building your new PC you know where i am. Just send me a PM

ED has low specs so i would recommend getting a GTX660 - they are cheap now because the new 900 series is out and would run perfectly fine.

I have two Radeon 5850's running in crossfire (uses both cards in both PCI-express slots) and that does the trick on all games.

Anyway, i bet this forum has never seen so much geek. 🙂 more to come if needed.


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Im trying to get my head around Battlefield 4 on the xbox.

Any tips?

Im sitting down with a cup of tea in 5 to give it a go.



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Hi Dave, sorry its been a while since iv been on here.

BF4 - Buggy as [censored] game and a massive disappointment to the BF franchise imo. Should be fixed now though because of all of the patches and netcode updates.

If your starting out, go assault (medic) find an assault weapon your comfortable with and get in the thick of it. Peak corners and use cover. revive when you can and throw medkits. You get more points for reviving or healing squad mates.

Soon you wont care about points because you'll get some great weapons then it will just be about winning the game! People care too much about their Kill to Death ratios. But you can be sat on a hill killed 30 people and still lose.

I got bored of public game play and thats not because i was being big-headed and saying im better than everyone else, but because i wanted organised game play. So i started ESL matches and Scrims. All PC. but i dont think you can do that on console.

Get straight in and make their lives a misery. XD

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Always love a bit of Gaming especially on my PS4 soon to be PS5 🙂 , i have always had a computer or console from the commodore 64, sega megadrive, super nes, all the playstations.

You definitely can't beat a bit of gaming when bored or the tv remote has been taken off you.

I still game but my time is being taken up with my current website but there is always time i guess.

Keep on Gaming!

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cool thread. lately have just been playing Red Dead 2 on PS4. has lot of soundtracks which reminds me of my marriage breakdown lol: cruel cruel world. Thats the way it is. Stand Unshaken 🙂

my 6 year old likes it too. not the violence, but just aimlessly riding around on a horse.

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I play DotA 2 while my son is sleeping:)


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