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End of Apples reign...
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[Solved] End of Apples reign as smart phone kings ?

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Samsung overtook Apple to become the world's biggest shipper of smartphones between July and September. Check out the story here. Is the end of the apples reign as king of smart phones or is apple gonna strike back ?

12 Replies
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Illustrious Member
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Well, they could alway bring out an iPhone 5 instead of a 4s - not that I'm waiting for either as I'm happy with Android. There was talk (well, more unfounded rumour) as while back of an iPhone nano, but the danger is that it could hurt sales of the full size phone if they did.

(@Super Mario)
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Think this will all depend on the legal battle between the two firms - they are embroiled in suing each other at the moment

Could it be winner takes all

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Could these stats not be just down to the fact that Samsung has released the Galaxy S2 and the proper new iPhone 5 isn't out yet ?

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I know this is about six months old but i thought i would get my view in

to behonest, probably not, while samsung may sell more phones, they have several smartphones on several versions of android, at several different price ranges. they also have to pay google for every phone that they make with android, so it cuts into there profits.

Apple on the other hand only run the latest version of IOS, they have complete control over the app store (and receive a healthy cut of every sale from the app store, so if you are looking in terms of money then apple are now and will likely be for quite a while the ones to beat.

That saying though i personally love my HTC, i like the user interface, and its many bugs.

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Illustrious Member
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I love my HTC as well, it does pretty much everything I want of a phone and is very reliable.

However, I have to agree about IOS - it is definitely a plus point that all devices run on a single OS, and when there is an update, it's universal. I have a Motorola tablet which is still running on Android 3.2, even though the identical model in the US was upgraded to android 4 a couple of months ago (and I now would not buy another motorola because of this) - Apple simply wouldn't do that with their customers.

(@Super Mario)
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I also have an HTC which is a great phone - my wife has an iphone and she would never change it.

The battery life for my HTC is rubbish though and I have to have a charger at home, in the car and on my desk at work - if I have Wifi on then I am lucky to get three hours!!

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Same here, but i think mine has more to to do with the OS its running,

Basically i have an out of warranty HD 2, which a mate got rid of the horrible horrible Windows operating system and installed android on it, but its not a hugely stable crack and i reckon its causing the battery to overheat.

im a bit off a nerd so im waiting for a stable 4.0 rom to come out before i try updating it

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

I get about 12 hours out of my HTC, but I have an unlimited data, so I rarely have wifi switched on. I do have chargers at home, car and work as well, but as mine is the Desire HD, the biggest drain on the battery is the screen.

(@Super Mario)
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I have the screen turned down but it is still poor

However the phone is amazing and I would recommend it - I have the Sensation

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i had the HTC wildfire. great as an entry phone & confirmed my love of Android.
Now have SGS2 & pleased

my input to this debate is
a) the iTunes thing really turns me off. The number of times I've had to console wife, daughter because of lost music.
Their focus is on DRM to such an extent that the user gets a lot of pain πŸ™

b) me not like the whole Apple attitude of letting the user only save our export files in _their_ formats.
I much prefer to be able to freely save files in many ways & make my life easier by converting data to achieve a goal.

(getting off hobby horse)

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Posts: 606

btw this week i got the HTC going again to user out [censored] a webcam so my 4 year old can watch things while she's stuck in bed ill. Has worked a treat.the app i prefer is
IP Webcam
by: Pas

the video can be watched by browsing to the phones IP

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

Mr O - you're back again πŸ™‚ How the devil are you?

I like my Desire HD still - may upgrade soon so I have a camera, but it does work pretty much flawlessly. Can't see I'd ever go to Apple, my phone is extremely customisable to the extent that simply isn't possible on an iPhone.


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