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[Solved] Desire
Looking at getting the HTC Desire as my next phone. Been waiting for the right touch phone using Google Android and think I have found it in this one - http://www.htc.com/uk/product/desire/overview.html
Waiting for my network to get some more stock in. Think of it as akin to the iPhone for those who "don't do Apple"
Does anyone here have one and care to share their thoughts?
This is a great piece of kit and is well worth investing in, similar to the I-phone but a better camera, faster processor and many more applications available.
The I-phone comes at a price - you pay for the phone or the monthly charge and in reality you pay for the name.
If I were you I would get the desire.
cheers super mario, I think that is the side I have come down on. Once I have one I will let you all know what it is like.
She who must be obeyed has told me to stop pining and just go and get it 🙂
So after wanting for so long, I only go and get the Samsung Galaxy S instead 😀
http://www.gsmarena.com/compare.php3?id ... hone2=3077
Should get it tomorrow hopefully. Will let you know tomorrow evening 🙂
Just thought I would share, if it assists anyone, I got a 18mnth Orange contract with the Galaxy S via Phones4U (500mb/500mins/unlmtd txt/unlmtd email) for 27.50/mnth (a discount on the Orange Dolphin 35)
hmmm... maybe should have asked that same question before to see what others found 🙂
oh well..
Would be interested in your opinions on the Galaxy S - looks interesting. My next phone is looking like being the HTC Legend - I still can't quite get into the i-Phone thing, though the latest firmware upgrade, allowing multi-tasking is an improvement. I'm still toying with the idea of the Palm Pre or Pixi - I've been a fan of Palm ever since my first Pilot, though my current Treo Pro isn't as polished as the Palm OS.
Wooo hooo, got it. Well, almost, it is at home, I am at work - roll on this evening 😀
Will feedback on the galaxy
Well, I am home, the phone is on charge since late afternoon. Taken the boy to Karate, have had dinner, the kids are going off to sleep........phone is calling me....soon, very soon 'my sweet' 🙂
... Hurry up 🙂 put us out of our suspense!
Have you managed to have a good play with it yet??
ooo, absolutely love it! 🙂 )
I only have a old windows mobile device to compare. The windows mobile device is what I used to have at work. The Galaxy S just blows this previous device out of the water.
The first things you notice are how how large the screen is and how nicely it fits in the hand. The screen on the device is large and very clear.
I find it easy to work my around the phone, still reading through the manual though.
The camera on it takes lovely pictures, although not in low light as it does not have a flash - but then I have a proper camera for such.
Battery life on phone seems to be good also. I have WiFi permanently on, so that it can pick up any open networks and have been using the facebook, twitter and mail apps on it since yesterday morning (had to fully charge it first) and the battery life had gone down by half by Saturday night. Not bad for a smart phone, would have expected the battery to drain a lot more.
The screen is very responsive and easy to use for my bigger fingers.
There is only one actual button on the front of the device, to return to the home screen, the other two are touch sensitive for menu and return to previous. There is a volume up/down on left side and power on/off on the right side.
I love it and would definitely recommend. Cannot keep away from it.
...and just to be a flash so and so I am sending this from my galaxy s.
On another point though, until you have a phone which gives you information at your finger tips, you do not realise the use you can get from it, e.g. my dad was asking about location of a cemetery where a friend is being buried. I would normally go turn on the PC to find out, this time though just used the phone and then emailed him the directions for later after viewing on the phone.
All sounds good. I'm thinking of upgrading my ancient Sony Ericsson phone and so I was interested to read your review. Have also looked at Sony Ericsson's Experia X10.
Have you used the Swype to text etc?
I'm pretty much decided on replacing my phone with the Desire later this year - Galaxy is just a bit too big for me, but it was a close thing.
My wife has just got a Galaxy S and I've got to say that it really is a very good piece of kit.
Have you used the Swype to text etc?
I have been looking to upgrade as well, as my contract ends in the next few months. I'm Very interested in the Legend and X10, but once I experienced the Swype technology I'm not sure I'd want a phone without it (don't think the others come with it). Apart from its ease of use it just amazes me every time it guesses the word correctly!!
Saying that, the X10 should be coming out with the new android OS shortly (so I've read on forums) and Sony said they'd be ironing out a few of the "new phone" issues.
The Android market is getting rather competitive!
Once you have swyped, you will not go back. It makes writing emails so easy, you do not even consider waiting until you are at your pc. I have written this using swype.
Samsung are bringing out the new android OS at the end of september for the Desire.
Well got my new phone a couple of weeks ago, and after saying that the galaxy was to big, I got the Desire HD which is even bigger (Desire just doesn't seem to be getting the Froyo upgrade anytime soon).Smart Keyboard Pro sorted out on screen keyboard troubles (I've been used to a hardwared qwerty keyboard for over 10 years on my phones). Calendar is awful - hopefully Iambic will sort out Agendus for the Android soon.
For anyone with an android phone, take a look at Tasker. Not for the fainthearted, but if you want you phone to do anything (for instance, change the wallpaper and take a picture, but only if it's between 11:00 and 11:15 on 24th Month, if it's a Tuesday and there's Lady Gaga playing on the MP3 player, whilst in Norwich and your sister is calling and you turn the phone 90 degrees to the right) then Tasker can do it. A lot of time learning it though.
i got the htc desire
quality fone, super fast processor, quick txt, camera is bit hit n miss but when get used to it picture quality pretty good,
the just had new update 2.2 froyo finally, this turns cam into hd cam, and speeds up fone etc
very pricey gadget but with good contract its well worth it, and has same platform as the new desire hd mob
I got the Desire HD over the Desire as there was no sign, at the time, of T-Mobile rolling out Froyo on the Desire. The HD does have a faster processor, and HTCSense.com, but I do prefer the physical design of the Desire. Very happy with the phone though, apart from the pathetic organiser, and no sign yet of Agendus being available on Android.
If you really want some fun, and you're prepared to put the time in, take a look at the Tasker app - total control over the phone 😀
Been very happy with this phone over the last year, and HTC rolled out the latest update for this phone finally - a minor upgrade to android, but a major update to HTC sense. The upgrade was actually quite quick and painless, but I'd read that it was best to do a factory reset after the update. Finally plucked up the nerve to do this, so after a couple of hours of preparation work, I finally pressed the button to go ahead at around lunch time yesterday. By about 10pm last night, I'd finally more or less got the phone back to how I wanted it again - I didn't realize just how much customisation and information I had on the phone - including this forum of course, since I do most of my posting from my phone 🙂 will almost certainly be getting an HTC phone again, the interface is much nicer than standard android.
Nearly upgrade time for me and i currently have an Android phone but dont know whether to go back to a Blackberry!!
Battery life is rubbish in my Galaxy S
Never worried about battery life, I have chargers at work, in the car and in the lounge and bedroom at home, so always handy.
The company I work for is considering rolling these out as opposed to the iPhone 4S when the contract is up beginning of Feb.
As an avid Apple lover (or Geek) I'm currently sulking about it, although being on Paternity no-one can see my pout...
So, what's the OS like between the two? Are they similar to use??
That's possibly a tricky one to answer as I suspect there isn't much movement between the two. I prefer HTC to standard android though if my tablet and phone are anything to go by.
Battery life is rubbish in my Galaxy S
I have the Galaxy S II and have no issues with the battery at all. I think its the best phone on the market currently.....
Sure I read somewhere that Samsung will not be updating the Samsung phones with the newest Android os
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