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[Solved] Cat-killer

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My latest gadget is a cat-killer OOPS I mean cat-deterrer for the front garden. I suppose it's probably my fault for putting up signs inviting all the neighbourhood cats to come and do their stuff on my lawn, but it just got too much. So I invested Γƒβ€šΓ‚Β£13 at Amazon and got myself a nice ultra-sound machine.

The cats don't seem to like it, but interestingly, neither do the children. I can't hear it squealing but they can!

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I've been tempted to get one of those... Glad to hear that is makes a difference, might get one... Do you have a neighbour with a dog (i.e. does it notice?)

Interesting that the kids hear it ...

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Maybe he should have got both - the teenage discourager might cure the problems with the neighbours. Where can you get one and how much do they cost? Do you have to have a special licence?

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I've been tempted to get one of those... Glad to hear that is makes a difference, might get one... Do you have a neighbour with a dog (i.e. does it notice?)

I haven't tested it on dogs yet, but it does work on my son's rabbits (they were in the garden and the machine was in the kitchen at the time - we didn't want to upset them too much). The blurb says it works on dogs too.

My son wants to know if we can modify the electronics so that it will "stun" or "fry" rather than deter.

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It's been two weeks. Most of the cats cleared off straight away but one is still occasionally leaving offerings. It does say in the blurb it can take a few weeks to break the habit, but I'm going to try moving the machine to the other end of the lawn - see if that spooks him.
Still interested in the "stun" option... 😯

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All intruders now deterred (if not deleted) 😈

I did have to change the batteries after a couple of weeks. Could get expensive, so maybe my next gadget is a 9V rechargable set...

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Which one did you buy from Amazon? I've got one from B&Q (30Γƒβ€šΓ‚Β£), and it doesn't really seem to make any difference. Maybe cats are less keen to just pop in with no reason, but definitely it doesn't stop them from paying us a visit every now and then... And I'm not even talking about foxes, who seem to completely ignore the device.

It's a second device that I bought from B&Q (first got wet and somehow broke) and both seem to produce same sound. I can hear it, my wife can't, but says it feels bit unpleasant when it switches on. Kids seem to hear it as well, but not paying any attention to it. And we don't have any rabbits to test the device on πŸ™‚

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The one I bought was the Big Cheese, currently Γƒβ€šΓ‚Β£13.63 on Amazon. Don't know what it's got to do with cheese, but there you go...

My neighbour bought a smaller device from a garden centre and that works too. I think he paid more but I don't know what the make is.

Sorry to hear yours isn't working. Perhaps your local cats are smarter than mine and wear ear plugs πŸ˜€

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If it was only cats... πŸ™ ) ). We inspected the pot it was planted in, but there was nothing that (we think) could be of any interest to the fox... Same thing happens to other flowers, but to some lesser extent.

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Did the stuff you planted it in have chicken feed mixed in with it?

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We had a problem with cats in the back garden - tried a cat deterrent but it didn't seem so effective. So we put a lock on the back gate and got a dog. That seemed to do it πŸ™‚ )

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Ronaldo, very good point... we normally use compost bags from b&q, but it might be that my wife used only in one pot or smth. also we bought few flowers this year, and all got dug out. So it might as well be something in the ground they initially are planted in or the compost we've bought. Anyway, smth to think about.

BTW I've read it in a forum somewhere, farmers advised to use human urine (small quantities!! πŸ™‚ )

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Snake - you make pee-ing on your garden sound so scientific.... I thought after a beer or two every man pee'd on his garden late at night πŸ˜†


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