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Anyone for an night...
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[Solved] Anyone for an night time chat over a beer?

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Well. TV is on and I have a beer (well its a P3p5i really).
The mrs is nodding on the setee and 4 month old is out for the count until bottle time a bit later tonight...
I've had the munchies (chocolate, then crisps) but am still pekkish.

Is there anyone else out there this evening just wanting to chat?

One thing on my mind right now is: Why oh why are older baby monitors so noisy an crackly?

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They are crackly it's true. We are all so tired, don't think much will keep us awake however...

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I better stay up for a while longer.... as I'm on watch tonight with the little ones.
My other half has put ear plugs in so that she stays asleep...
so I will be arousing when there are shouts or alarms.

I think I will do a bit of Gears of War 2... I haven't played for ages because we've been very busy and occupied.

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Earplugs! What a simple and great idea...we could definitely do with them! My Mrs she's just such a light sleeper. Our girl too. I slept through the hurricane of 87 however.

Is that a game then? Never really got into them...

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I heard the occasional wumphff at 2 or 3 am during the storm - but I managed to stay sleepy. In the morning found that one of them was a kerbside tree gently coming to rest on our sierra.

Yep, DarlingWife got an xbox360 for her birthday and has kept using it ever since. I like shooting at things. I am terrible at strategy. 15 mins can be enough for me to refuel or at least get the adrenaline going. I haven't played for at least 2 months because we've been busy with all the stuff around kids.
I think I will treat myself tonight while the tiddler and toddlers are in bed (safely away from the 18 rated game).

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Posts: 55

Good luck! I just don't have the concentration anymore these days! Take it easy, jc


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