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[Solved] A Place to Rant

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(@Super Mario)
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Hi there

Thought I would start a post giving you an opportunity to moan about the things that really annoy you - they have to be everyday things.

I will start - At the Airport:

Why do people never have their passport open ready for presentation and more frustratingly why does the person in front of me still have their one in their handbag?

Why do people NOT switch their phone off as instructed whilst on a plane?

Why do people think that one piece of hand luggage does not include their handbag?

Why do people feel the need to adjust their seat back on a 50 minute flight?

I am sure there are more - I will do motorways and driving too!!!

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Oooh, Oooh, I'll do a driving one.

Why do people wizz into a road to beat other drivers into a country lane, and then drive at 20mph down the 60mph limit.

Why do people driving down country lanes brake every time a car comes the other way - it's not through lack of space as I am stuck following them in a car much wider than theirs without any problem.

Both of these happen to me on a regular basis on my drive to work. 👿

(@Harveys Dad)
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Ok so i hate it when folk speed up to a roundabout esp the small ones - the amount of times i have to brake half way across the road coz some idiot thinks he owns the road 👿 Grrrr

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Why do people not use indicators any more ? we are supposed to just guess in what direction they are going.

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Ooh, good call.

Or handbrakes for that matter, instead of sitting in traffic for ages with their foot on the footbrake.

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Another one - people who approach roundabouts in the left hand lane, and then go three quarters of the way around - usually not indicating.

(@Super Mario)
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What about sitting in the middle lane at 68mph with no other traffic about!

Lorries that overtake on a dual carriageway and take the best part of 10 minutes to get past!

Why is when I am sitting at a junction a cars comes along and at the last minute indicates left - Indicate earlier and I could have got out!


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Good ones.

This is starting to sound like an episode of Grumpy Old Men though - I think I qualify easily 😆

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Why do people not use indicators any more ? we are supposed to just guess in what direction they are going.

good one that, im starting to think that they are now on optional extra on new cars

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Perhaps people think that the satnav does it for them 😮

(@Super Mario)
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Have recently joined a gym and now trying to watch what I eat I cannot believe what a farce the calory labelling is on many foods.

For example

On my fruit n fibre cereal packet it give the calorific value for a 30g serving - this doesn't even cover the bottom of the bowl! Therefore I bought these thinking my breakfast would be 112kj and now discover is is three times that amount.

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Supermario, I can sympathise with you on that one. My wife has been trying to get me to cut down my daily calorie intake. It's a complete nightmare! I can't understand how people can actually manage to keep track of calorie intake. The most complex it gets for me is when I have a low calorie dinner and compensate by having an extra pint of beer afterwards!


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I can't understand how people can actually manage to keep track of calorie intake. Chris

I have an easy way - if my jeans are tight in the morning, they've jsut been washed, if they are still tight in the evening, then I've had too many calories 😆

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Motorcyclists who want to commit suicide by overtaking. Especially love the ones that weave in and out of incoming traffic 😡

especially the git I nearly hit on my way home 😡 x x x x

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Biiiiiiig bugbear of mine - Dog owners who don't clean up after their pet has poo'd.

Playing fields, streets, anywhere seems fair game and it isn't that time consuming.

Our local playing fields can be like a minefield at times.

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Biiiiiiig bugbear of mine - Dog owners who don't clean up after their pet has poo'd.

Playing fields, streets, anywhere seems fair game and it isn't that time consuming.

Our local playing fields can be like a minefield at times.

As a dog owner who does clean up, I have to say that on the other side, the mess left around the playing fields by the players/parents annoys me - there is always a mass of plastic bottles, cans, cigarette packets etc until the council clear it up. But I do agree that dog owners who don't clear up annoy me also.

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Don't read this is you are eating 😆

The other day, I say a couple with 4 dogs - saw them clearing up after one of their dogs, so obviously responsible, but a few minutes later, saw them again engrossed in chat, and not noticing that one of their dogs was fouling. However, within about 10 seconds, one of their other dogs was quickly on the scene and eating the mess, almost as it was coming out!!

uuurghhhh :mrgreen:

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Nice 😉

I have a couple of Dogs myself, if im able to clear up after them ten other owners should clean up after theirs.

With you on the rubbish thing as well, I coached youth footie for 5 years and always ended up tidying the pitch before and after matches - joy.

(@Super Mario)
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Decided this is my all time favourite:

Stopping to allow another car to come and they don't acknowledge me - I usually scream THANK YOU at them!!!

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hehehehehehehe That gets me as well, but i normally shout "you're welcome"

I think we're turning into a couple of old gits mate. 😉

(@Super Mario)
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"Turning into"? I think I am already there! 😀

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having to pay a pound to get out of luton airport drop off point, with no money on me and 4 am in morn arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

thankfully had credit card

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a pound to drop people off - your having a laugh

(@Super Mario)
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It now costs 30p to go to the loo at Euston!!!

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I remember when it was called "spending a penny" guess that's inflation for you.

How about people using mobiles whilst driving ? I was nearly wiped out this morning by a wally with his phone wedged between his chin and shoulder whilst driving.

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How about people using mobiles whilst driving ? I was nearly wiped out this morning by a wally with his phone wedged between his chin and shoulder whilst driving.

I completely understand that one. Believe it or not, I was almost wiped out by a cyclist this morning, whilst on foot, who was cycling one-handed with his mobile phone to one ear. There should be regulations for cyclists and mobile phones as well!


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I agree, and I can't see why people do it. I have a handsfree gadget in the car that cost me about £40 and works brilliantly - have my phone set up to auto answer, so I don't even need to press a button. Used to drive a micra, and often had idiots trying to kill me. Now have a 2 ton people carrier - they're a little more cautious about trying now 😆

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I think anyone who drives a 4x4 should be forced to drive cross country and not allowed to use the roads - that would help ease congestion a bit on the roads.

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when I want to shut my computer down - why do I have to click the start button, how does that make sense ?

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when I want to shut my computer down - why do I have to click the start button, how does that make sense ?

😆 Never thought of that before.

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You could always press the sleep button, but then again you have to press the sleep button to start it up again - that doesn't make sense either!

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HA I could go on and on about driving, Im a truck driver my main rants are, lack of indicator use (apparently every car now comes fitted with telepathy, lane hogs (trucks arent allowed into the fast lane of a three+ lane motorway so when you get the sunday drivers doing 50 in the middle lane I cant get past), impatient drivers (mostly van and cab drivers, as there are differant speed limits for trucks), other trucks not giving way (as mentioned further back in the topic if you have one truck overtaking another 9 times out of 10 the truck overtaking has maybe 1mph over the other truck, If im in that situation I let the faster truck past).

and another bugbear is people ambling round shops and stopping for no reason and without warning usually in my way causing me to take evasive action to avoid running my trolley up the back of their leg.

(@Super Mario)
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Used to love pushing a pram for that very reason - if they stopped they were HIT!!!

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had a few "buggy in the ankle" moments at the babyshow people infront stop so I stop and the people behind dont.

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Whilst we are on the subject - Old people on mobility scooters driving round supermarkets/shopping centres like their Carl Fogarty. Those things can move when they want to and the riders seem to be partially sighted for the most part.

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just be thankful they aren't all like this one 😆 ... 69mph.html

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Cool - I want one. Do you think I should put it on my xmas list 😀

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I don't like people who sees you with a pushchair on a narrow pathway and expect you to go into the road. I call them no brains.

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Good call Stuart28,

Though I personally hate twin buggies, there is never enough room for them and people coming in the opposite direction. Given the power I would ban them and make everyone use tandem buggies.

Gooner :ugeek:

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Maybe the easiest solution is to attach the buggies to large helium balloons and simply hold onto them by a cord attached to the frame. That way, they don't take up any pavement space - and you'd know if they threw toys out of the buggy 😆

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Twin buggies + Buses/Trams or Trains = Major fail. While I appreciate the convenience for people with more than one baby I also see the flaw in the design. Now, the ones with the bit for older children to stand on at the back.... they're GENIUS.

Seeing as though this is a thread for ranting:
Also, Why do people think that just because I'm an I.T. specialist I'll back hand them windows discs and extra RAM or worse..... go over to their house and fix their computer when I'm trying to relax after a day of doing pretty much just that all day!??!?!

(@Super Mario)
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I know the feeling - I work for a Mobile phone company and everyone thinks I know all about them and can fix every fault!!!

(@Super Mario)
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How about this one - some funny person (s) has only stolen my wheely bin!!!

I had to (embarrassingly) phone the police to get a crime reference number before the local council would order me another one!!!

Have to wait six weeks for my replacement - think the Xmas tip in my road will be a little lighter this year

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lol. It comes with the territory. FFS, My friend works in Gamestation and gets asked all the time [censored] like "have you played fallout: new vegas yet?" - that was in AUGUST. It wasn't even shipped to stores or even leaked.

Wheelie bins used to get set on fire regularly when I was growing up coz they were pretty new at the time. Mine never got set on fire though because they knew my dad would tear them a new [censored] hole.

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How about this one - some funny person (s) has only stolen my wheely bin

😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
Sorry Mario - it did make me giggle.

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That reminds me of the time someone stole our door bell - it was a snazzy no wires one with a 300 metre range. For the next four hours they kept ringing it. We had an au pair at the time and she hadn't noticed that the bell had gone so kept answering the door. I got home after work to find her at braking point after answering the door 100's of times to find no one there every time.

It must have been kids from the other side of the road having a laugh watching her answer the door.
I saw the funny side though I don't think she did.

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My mother has one of those - used to go off every time my sister alarmed/disarmed her car or I did same with my motorbike alarm.

(@Super Mario)
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I was in Leeds the other day and within the space of about 400 yards had been accosted by no fewer than 6 "Charity" people.

I do give to charity but on my own terms - especially with the daft wisecracks!!

(@Super Mario)
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Time to resurrect this thread I am afraid

Someone allowed their dog to foul on the pavement outside my house!!! I know dogs have to go but cant you have the decency to pick it up!

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Time to resurrect this thread I am afraid

Someone allowed their dog to foul on the pavement outside my house!!! I know dogs have to go but cant you have the decency to pick it up!

Aside the decency, there's almost certainly bye-laws with a £1000 fine.

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As a dog owner - I have to say nothing annoys me more than other owners who can't be bothered to pick up after their dogs.

No one ever seems to get caught or fined from what I can see. You'd think the councils would love it as a form of revenue generation.

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And dog owners who talk to their dogs like they are humans! And dog owners who allow their dogs to run towards you and leap up on to you, saying "Oh he's just being friendly, he doesn't bite."

I do like dogs, we had them when I was growing up but I prefer cats these days.

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And dog owners who talk to their dogs like they are humans!

😆 oh, er 😳 that's me then

(@Super Mario)
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I saw this big butch guy walking a poodle which was wearing a pink coat thing - it was hilarious but I wasn't brave enough to laugh too loud!!!

Good job my "big mouthed" eldest wasn't with me....

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How comes only the English now have to pay prescription charges? How come the Scots university education is free?

It feels like England is paying for others freebies - Not such a United Kingdom

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What really annoys me about the separation of Scotland is that the Scottish MPs can vote in the English parliament, but not the other way around. I seem to remember a furore a few years back about a Scottish MP voting one way in England, but that wasn't the way he had voted in Scotland 👿

(@Super Mario)
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Right then let me share an interesting conversation with my "current" energy suppliers.

Just to set the scene they seriously undercharged us last year and so we were £700 in debit - I agreed to the direct debit being increased to pay it off. I have now paid it off and called them to discuss reduce the direct debit to which they REFUSED!!!

I had an argument with three people eventually threatening to leave before they reduced it.

And at the end of the conversation I got the obligatory "Is there anything else I can help you with today?"

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I've had a similar thing and been paying off a large debit balance which should be paid back at the end of March. Was also going to ring to find out what new payments will be - sounds as if that's going to be an interesting conversation! Watch this space!

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I switched energy providers last year. The new provider - OVO Energy - calculated my bill to be the same as my old provider, but that was before the old provider was about to have a large price hike. However, through the year, I have steadily been building up a sizeable credit balance (which the pay interest on at a decent rate) - they did have a price hike late last year on one of the fuels, so I fixed the price for a year. Even at this newer price, the credit balance is still increasing - I asked for a partial refund a couple of months ago, which was very quickly processed.

Another plus is that you can add your own reading, which I do every month, when I receive the email statement. There isn't a single month - even through the coldest weather - where my bill has been higher than the payment I'm making, which basically means that they are charging significantly less (I'd estimate about 30% less) than my previous provider.

I'd highly recommend them, and I think they come up top on Money Savings Experts website.

(@Super Mario)
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Sounds like that is worth a look - thanks Actd


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