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[Solved] Who's Next?

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In recent years we've seen the demise of a few tirants, granted we've only seen proof that two of the three are well and truely gone, that being Madman, err Saddam Hussein, and the latest being Mummra Gadaffi. Bin Laden is also supposedly dead, but we have to take the Americans word on that one (I want to see proof, so does the whole world to be fair)

All three were beyond evil in their own ways, but lets be honest here, with all the technology etc at the disposal of these guys, only Gadaffi, who the West were pretty much told not to go after, was a quick capture. Sure Hussein has about a million lookalikes, and Bin Laden lived in caves, despite supposedly being in Pakistan for a good 4/5 years.

I'm not that clued up on any more living tirants like these guys, are there any left? Is it going to be Mugabe or Korea next?

(PS Sorry for a bit of a light hearted look at this, I may offend some readers due to this)

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(@Super Mario)
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Posts: 1621

Unfortunately if they are not a threat to America then nothing will happen

Bin Laden was always going to be a target after 9/11, Saddam and Gaddafi both had oil so the Americans clearly had an interest!

Mugabe is a nutter who should have been deposed years ago but there is nothing to be gained from Zimbabwe apart from upsetting the Black Africans so it will never happen.

As for Korea or Iran they are nuclear and again pose too big a risk!!

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Personally I think we should have got rid of Mugabe years ago, the people of Zimbabwe have a terrible standard of living and are being starved out of existence be a truly evil regime. However they have no oil so America wouldn't be interested in helping out.

Too be honest neither the States or the UK can afford any wars only the lines of Iraq and Afghanistan with the state of our economies at the moment.

Things have got so bad in the USA that they are borrowing money from their old enemy China.

happy daze.........

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Bin Laden is also supposedly dead, but we have to take the Americans word on that one (I want to see proof, so does the whole world to be fair)

I would have imagined that Bin Laden would have released a video refuting the US claims by now if he was still alive - something along the lines of "you missed me, ya boo sucks!" As it hasn't happened I can only think that the US claims are in this case correct.

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... unless they came to a private arrangement to allow him to retire πŸ˜†

(@Super Mario)
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Posts: 1621

Lets hope he isn't in a home managed by Sothern Cross!!!

That will teach him!

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Estimable Member
Posts: 116

... unless they came to a private arrangement to allow him to retire πŸ˜†

With a nice8 bedroom house in Pakistan with a nice $1m pay off perhaps?


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