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[Solved] Primark Row

Posts: 257
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(@Harveys Dad)
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Joined: 17 years ago

So this high street retailer is hitting the news today for all the wrong reasons!

read about it here

The item of clothing in question is a padded bikini for 7 year olds 😯

what are your thoughts? We particlualry like Primarks comment where they address 7 year old girls as young women!!! 😑

8 Replies
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Posts: 119

That's shocking really,it's hard enough to get kids to not want to grow up so fast without that kind of thing encouraging them. The parents that would be buying them kind of things need to be having a rethink aswell in my opinion.

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

I am fortunate that my 11 year old daughter wears jeans and such like - seeing some of the stuff that kis wear to school discos these days from ages of about 7, I think that that Primark's selling these is just the thin end of the wedge. At least Primark have withdrawn the item under pressure.

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Posts: 37

Disgusting really, like the faux-high heels for newborns (and high heels in Junior sizes).

Problem is, the majority of people who shop in Primark are classless and want to treat their kids as their best friends, they let their kids tart themselves up and don't give a rats [censored].

I'm not attacking all Primark shoppers here, we shop there as its what we can afford, but we make sure what we buy is suitable for our daughter (who's 6 in 3-4 weeks). [censored], we don't like her wearing strappy tops! We also refuse to buy trousers with slogans across the [censored]...

(@Super Mario)
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Posts: 1621

Hi all

Whilst I would never buy this particular item you need to understand that someone within Primark believed this item would sell and that 7 year olds would want it bought for them, especially as they want to dress like their mother. Is the real issue that Primark are selling this item or is the underlying issue that we are not allowing our children to be children because they want to be seen as grown ups.

This item is unacceptable yet short skirts are, the likes of Primark are doing fantastically well because they do offer low value items to a very fickle market.

The 7 year olds do not buy these items their parents do - that is where the issue is.

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

I agree 100% with your post, Super Mario

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Eminent Member
Posts: 37

Hi all

Whilst I would never buy this particular item you need to understand that someone within Primark believed this item would sell and that 7 year olds would want it bought for them, especially as they want to dress like their mother. Is the real issue that Primark are selling this item or is the underlying issue that we are not allowing our children to be children because they want to be seen as grown ups.

This item is unacceptable yet short skirts are, the likes of Primark are doing fantastically well because they do offer low value items to a very fickle market.

The 7 year olds do not buy these items their parents do - that is where the issue is.

Which is more of a diplomatic way of typing what I put.

Problem is now clothes of this variety are near unavoidable. There's very little choice out there in regards to hwat you can dress your child in. In regards to my own daughter, my partner and I are punk/rocker sorts, so all she really see's are t-shirts and jeans, with the odd stripe thrown in by my missus so she's happy to dress in that manner as she see's it as normal. I just feel really sorry for the seven and eight year olds dressing in a similar manner to their chavvy tart of a mother as normal really.

(@Super Mario)
Joined: 15 years ago

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Posts: 1621

Hi Wev

I guess your opinions are quite strong on this matter - but all consumers have a choice however chavvy that may be!


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Eminent Member
Posts: 37

Oh I'm all for consumer choice, I just wish said consumers would put more thought into their choices before purchasing πŸ™‚


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