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[Solved] Lottery Win

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(@Super Mario)
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Hi all

I received an e-mail informing me that I had won the lottery - within a fraction of a second I was spending my fortune. The bad news was that I only won a tenner, however, it did make me wonder what my "major" purchases would be if I was lucky enough to win a huge amount and I had looked after my friends and family.

I think I would buy a nice house and a holiday home in France and my son says I would need a Bugatti Veron (a mere snip at £850,000!)

What would your first major purchase be?


17 Replies
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Definitely property for the family - big enough so other relatives and friends can stay and live too. It doesn't have to be flashy or in the best area, just a fair size, practical with a bit of a garden at least. That'll be all. The rest to charity.

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First thing I'd do is take all my family and friends on an all expenses holiday - somewhere warm!!!

Then, whilst on this lovely relaxing holiday plan how I would spend my winnings. Michael Owen had a great idea and bought a street and moved his family all into seperate houses, I think I'd follow suit.

Then there's the obligatory holiday homes and cars

I'd also pay off all debts for my nearest and dearest

It would be A M A Z I N G

Only problem is, I don't do the lottery as the odds of winning are so small and I'm not a particularely lucky person!!

hey ho

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Definitely property plus a couple of investments, property for all of my kids and new cars for my wife and I (more practical than flash though). After that, some would go to charity, but I'd retire and give time to charity as well as money.

(@Harveys Dad)
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I would buy a decent but not grand house a with a decent size garden in which i would build an outside room, a firepit and a tree house .I'd also convert the garage to a mini kids world type play centre coz my kids are still very small, it would have a decent sofa and coffe maker in it for me!

I would buy 1 brand new family car and a smart car, send the kids to private school and take 1 holiday a year. I would give £ to my 4 fav chairites and set up a grant making trust with the Communitiy Foundations in Sussex, Bedfordshire, Devon and Kent (family ties!) so that my winnings can support charities in perpetuity.

I would support kids via services like World Vision, pay off my familes morgages and set up pensions for my folks and my inlaws. I would treat 10 close friends to life changing gifts (ie morgages, pay for IVF costs, pensions etc nothing fleeting and momentary.

ummmm think thats about it....... although if we are talking STUPID money i might just pay for clean water through out Africa!!

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So you haven't thought about this at all have you Harvey's Dad? 😀 D

(@Harveys Dad)
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Thanks Batman i was waiting for someone to say that! 😉

(@Super Mario)
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So Harvey's dad is clearly checking his numbers every draw - I bet you sit and sulk for ages after each disappointment! 😆

My eldest was reading this and asked how much I would give him!! Putting it into a trust fund for him was definitely NOT the answer he wanted to hear!

He then started to contest that until I reminded him it was after all a hyperthetical question - what have I started???

Back to the argument then...

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I remember hearing Peter Jones (of dragons den) saying that he had set up funds for his children so that he would double their salary (and triple or more if they did something worthwhile like nursing etc) - I thought that was a brilliant idea.

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yeah - I think Peter Jones has it spot on.

If I and my other half won the lottery we wouldn't tell our cherubs. We would want them to still try to do as well as they can at school and uni, then get jobs - i really like Peter Jones idea.

As for what we would do with the cash, pay off the mortgage for us and our family (brothers & sisters and parents) - give some to charity and live a comfortable life. 🙂

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............ and hope you are not bombarded with begging letters and hate mail.

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I'd love a lottery win, but a Peter Jones style clause is the way to go, too much fighting and bickering over money is not a good thing. Then again last thing I'd want is to be seen as, is controlling - a very destructive thing in my eyes.

I'd be investing a right bit of the money with my brother, seen how hard he and his wife work, and a bit more capital would really start to make things roll for his businesses. I'd want to move to be closer to my family, and have the obligatory house with a bit o land to be a gentleman farmer. Enough land for vehicles like scramblers and a cars to circulate around tracks and the like, with the odd donkey and goat.

Personal Trainer would be needed with a gym and a swimming pool to get me back into some sort of shape. With a kids playground with robust slides and climbing frames I'd be able to use too.

Some one to help me tidy up and do a bit of cleaning and laundry.

Oh dear all this dreaming is why people end spending all their winnings, better make it a big lottery win then. 🙂 )

(@Super Mario)
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hi there

Saw in the news that the couple who recently won £58m gave their £400,000 house and car to their cleaner. What a great story - I suggested it to my cleaner and she said she would be happy with her settlement in the divorce!!!

I feel I may regret that comment

Mario the Brave:lol:

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A bigger house, a dog and a nice long holiday! actually I should probably go on holiday before I get the dog so I don't have to pay for Kennels! Just because I'm rich now doesn't mean I should be wasteful....... 😆

(@Super Mario)
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Hey Dadtalkers

I have recently come up trumps thanks to my skill of selecting 6 numbers in the National Lottery.

Now before you all start penning begging letters telling me how worthy your cause is - my windfall was £10.

I, with the expert advice of my team of financial advisors, decided to invest my money in the local fish and chip shop.

It was very tasty.


Joined: 15 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

Hey Dadtalkers

I have recently come up trumps thanks to my skill of selecting 6 numbers in the National Lottery.

Now before you all start penning begging letters telling me how worthy your cause is - my windfall was £10.

I, with the expert advice of my team of financial advisors, decided to invest my money in the local fish and chip shop.

It was very tasty.


Oh, see your new-found wealth has started you off on a lifestyle of debauchery and bad health 😆

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who wastes his time on this subject!

Peter Jones is self-made so his ideas for his kids will be different to that of a lottery winner,
he also has a fan-base so is concious of what he says and most definately has PR people to
advise on the content. The basic idea of his is all very nice and twee but was it a hasty answer
to a question to portray himself as a down-to-earth kind of guy who wasn't going to make it
easy for his kids.

The trouble is like someone has already mentioned there is a huge control issue. My Dad had his own
Business for over 20yrs and employed 20 people and for me and my brother he came up with little financial
Incentives all through our life - even now (I'm 37 my brother 34) he tries to interfere, my brother and I
Were so conditioned to that up-bringing that we both find it hard to make decissions / choices
Without feeling it has to be run past Dad. My brother is actually in therapy over it and I am
only just starting to realise the changes I need to make to "break free".

I do the lotto and Euro Millions online and my heart races when I get that e-mail to say there is
Exciting news about my ticket so log into my account to find £8.20 the largest win so far.

Even though I think the jackpots are rediculous and rather than one person winning
£94M think it would be better if 94 people won £1M I would go bananas if I won it big.

I don't think there is anything I would do that hasn't already been said but one thing
I'm sure of if I was to give anything to anyone there would be no conditions attached.

(@Super Mario)
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Posts: 1621

Was talking to a friend the other day who is a Glasgow Rangers fan - he said that if he won the lottery he would give the club £10milion on condition that he play for Rangers in the old firm game against Celtic (only the last 15 minutes).

He also said that if Rangers were awarded a penalty he would have to take it.

A small price to pay for the chance of glory.

A great thought though!



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