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Libya and the Defic...
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[Solved] Libya and the Deficit!!

Posts: 21
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Joined: 14 years ago

Okay, for the last 10 months I've listened to the Tories banging on about the deficit.

In the last 24 hours we've fired 112 Cruise Missiles in to Libya. Each missile costs £300,000 so at the moment we've spent just over £33m on this crisis. Probably more when you consider the cost of pilots, warplans, fuel etc etc etc. I'd be surprised if this little crisis has cost the UK less than £50m.

You know where i'm going with this!!

How many Hospitals could £50m have bought? How many Police Officers could £50m pay for? How many families with children have to do without a child benefit rise because of the deficit? how many people are losing their homes?

What the [censored] is David Cameron thinking about? Hasn't George Osbourn said "Eh hang on a minute Dave....maybe we should have a think about the economics of this"?

I get the feeling there's more money kicking about than we were led to believe.

This little crusade will turn into something beyond our control and will be a coalition breaker.

5 year term......i think not!!!

3 Replies
(@Super Mario)
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Posts: 1621

Maybe its the Lib Dems way of unilaterally disarming us?? Probably cheaper to fire them than decommission them!

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Posts: 21

Only today are they beginning to talk about the cost of administering the no fly zone over Libya. Sorry Sky/BBC, your a little slow on the up-take. Did they not realise that the cost would be high.

All day I've been hearing how you can't put a cost on human life....I agree, however what i hate is double standards. Our country has the poorest economy in the civilised world and we're throwing around £50m (and rising) a day at this mess.

Now Mr Hague tells us they are going to use Treasury reserves to pay for all this. So they can use reserves to protect a foreign country but will not use it to protect British people from the effects of recession....a recession that was not caused by the public.

It's disgusting and it stinks!

(@Super Mario)
Joined: 16 years ago

Noble Member
Posts: 1621

The problem is and always will be that we are expected by the international community to intervene. We have the capability and as far as everyone is concerned can afford it.

Gadaafi is a nutter and has been a threat for many years and I am surprised the Americans havent gone storming in like they did in Iraq.

I dont think this intervention will do any good - Gadaafi has no intention of going unless it is in favour of his son (another nutter!) and he are not really protecting any civillians.

Lets hope we are not dragged into another war because we cannot protect our troops in Iraq or Afghanistan.


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