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Here is my case any advice would be of great help as i am in court next week.
I divorced my Ex 5 years ago after going in and out of court i received contact every other
weekend fri-sun and wednesday pick up from school and stay over drop off in morning too mums before school.
Since November 2011 my son who is 9 years old ran away from his mums and came too my door i dropped him back off he ran away again
Since then we have been living togather i enjoy the contact and he totally resents his mother,
My understanding is partially because she would not allow contact when he wanted over the years anger built up and then he leaped and made a run for it.
My son is quite clear he wishes too remain with me. I have been in and out of court unrepresented the courts arranged my son too see his mother in a contact centre
for 8 weeks and see how it goes we went every week but he would not go in the room his mother was in so we registered in and left after 15 mins of persuading him too see his mum
this happened for 8 weeks
we went back in court caffcass reccommended more contact in a contact centre that had nobody else in it and was supervised, now ive took him for 8 weeks he has had a bit more
of a positive contact he has been too see his mother every week and stayed for 15-30 mins each time then asked too leave, evertime i would take him he would not go but then i started bribing him that if he went then i would take him cinemas or restauraunt etc.
I received a call from caffcass officer i explained that the only reason his coming and staying is because am bribing him, I know this week if i dont bribe him he wont go if i have a attitude if you want to go you go and if you dont then thats upto you then he wont go, he only goes so i dont get upset or shout at him for not going, now this has backfired on me as caffcass officer and chapter 1 contact centre have made a report stating that the contact is very positive and they would suggest direct contact.
My son has nightmares when he sees his mum, i have told them this he told the caffcass officer that his mum use too hit him this has laso been ignored.
I still dont have residency order, i asked for a interim residency order in the last hearing which was rejected.
Any advice on this matter would be highly appreciated as the courts and caffcass are ignoring what my child wants and keeping mother happy.
Dad of 1
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