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[Solved] Christmas

Posts: 213
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Joined: 15 years ago

Ok someone challenged me the other day......

Go and buy at least one present for each of your kids ON YOUR OWN.....

It sounded so easy, and yet i realised how much i leave it to my wife to sort out Christmas...

So please share your ideas for pressies here ..


If you are up for the challenge, let me know how it goes....

Happy shopping - off to look at drum sticks for my boy 🙂

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Posts: 178

I always involve myself in buying presents for my daughter. I love it.

I asked my daughter what she was most looking forward to about Christmas and her answer was spending time with her mum and dad and that her step brother was comming over to stay. No mention of presents.

When i asked her what were her favourite christmas presents - the one she remembers most fondly are the stocking fillers not the big expensive ones. She loved getting magic ballons (comes in a tube about the size of a tube of toothpaste and is a goo that you can inflate - not a very good description), pooing reindeer, goo in a pot that made farting noises, robotic voice changer (made her voice sound like a robot). My wife and I used to spend hours trying to find strange little cheap stocking fillers and it seems that they were the things that she remembers the best.

The big expensive presents caused confusion looking back as she couldn't rememer which were for her birthday and which were for christmas. So for her Christmas presents are about the silly stocking fillers which also gave us the most fun buying. 😀

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Posts: 212

Good ideas i find buying pressies difficult - esp when you have to stick to a budget!

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I'm afwul at buying presents unless I'm told what they want generally. Occasionally, I have a flash of inspiration and get something good, but it's one of the hardest things to do.

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Estimable Member
Posts: 148

I do enjoy shopping for presents 😀 (

However, my wife is just soooo organised that there is almost no point me getting to the starting line... She is also super mega surfer and finds loads and loads of bargins and good deals. By Sept. she will have a good idea for 75% of the kids Christmas presents and might even have bought 50% of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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That's impressive. Every year I tell myself it will be different this time and I'll get organised early but it never happens.


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