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Pretty Much Rock Bo...
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[Solved] Pretty Much Rock Bottom

Eminent Member Registered

As I sit here typing as a young broken dad, I just wonder how it really got to this!

I would like to break the awful stereotype of young parents, I've never done a whole lot in my life correctly, but at the age of 23 fatherhood was what set me on the straight and narrow these past 4 years. I have a beautiful and intelligent daughter that I miss so dearly. When people tell you growing up, "you will understand when you have children" it never truly resonates with you until you do.

I guess i'll summarize the relationship as it was a fairly typical breakdown. I met my ex nearly five years ago and she was 1 year my junior. The relationship didn't last long before she fell pregnant, we weren't careful so no real shock there. After my daughter was born we only stayed together a year before she decided to part for my 'Best' friend. I'll be frank we argued a lot, and we both did our share of causing it.
The thing I can honestly say is i did everything, when I say everything I was doing the night feeding,bathing changing, washing, working the list is endless. But I deeply cared for the mother of my child and I was certain I was punching above my weight. Now i'm not so sure.

After we separated we argued mainly due to the fact I hated the fact that who she was now with got more time with my daughter than I did.
Months pasted and the arguments never stopped, I realise now that if she had a problem anywhere in her life she would start an argument. They never have escalated any further and after I moved on she started finding other ways to hurt me. The only thing she had left to use was my daughter.

To start with, it was stop a day here or change one there. Only when it suited her did she agree to let me have her.I soon pursued legal action and was advised to take mediation. I have no problem with that so we tried it over the course of two years.

Fast forwarding to this year is just pretty much where everything has broken down. She separated from my ex friend and has had a string of boyfriends since. Just before December last year is where she got into a relationship with the latest guy. Since then shes changed, she would of never told me but I knew this pathetic parasite batters her regularly. Yup I know what you're thinking why have you not reported it? I did. It was treated with a visit from an officer at the door and then swiftly ignored.

I know this to be true as her neighbor (which we never spoke to the entire time we were together) told me one day. This is where the plot thickens. Back in April was the last day I saw my daughter. I won't go into details but yet again we argued, I had my daughter in my arms and merely tried walking away from the situation. She took a disliking to this and played her trump card, "fine your not seeing your daughter". My ex pulled at myself and my daughter and quickly began to cause a lot of distress for her. I'm not a violent person and tried shaking her off me. By this point my daughter had become hysterical and was in floods of tears. I decided I didn't want this to escalate further and spoke to my daughter to calm her down. As only a young child could in all her innocence she stated that she had forgotten her teddy. I passed her back to her mother in the hopes that we could reschedule and try another time.

Less than 10 minutes later 3 large male officers turn up at the door. They asked who I was and I complied with the request, because I was just bewildered as to why they were there. I mean I hadn't done anything wrong. Standard police routines were started to be applied and it felt like an all to familiar cop show. I was calm and collected and did whatever was asked, I had never been arrested in my life and to be honest the whole experience is not something I would like again. For absolutely no reason they pushed me to the floor and forcefully put cuffs in me saying they were arresting me for assault. Again i would like to reiterate that I was 100 percent complicit, and had done nothing to warrant a clear abuse of power. I spent 9hours in a cell only to have one interview and then released with no charge. They made a comment about bruises which I could only put down to her current boyfriend. I don't get why someone would lie and say that I could do such a thing. What is wrong with people?

Shortly after being released I sent one message asking when I could see my child. My brain was set to self-defense and it somehow knew how the following days would pan out. It stopped me from doing anything stupid, displaying any emotion towards her and decided that one text would suffice knowing she would claim that I was harassing her.

I got no response back.... I waited a week before decided to contact a solicitor. In the interim, the splendor that is social services wrote to me stating that I needed to get in contact. I work long days in a four day shift pattern, these are 12 hours or more depending on the companies need and my need for the money. So I didn't get a chance to call until my lunch hour. On the first day and got through to nothing but an answer machine. Boy was I in for a treat when I finally got through to them. On the second day of calling I got through to them and was put in touch with the assigned worker. I would describe them as (Insert profanity here) , biased, rude and overall not someone best suited to that environment of social care. As I had previously heard great things about this organisation I took the precaution of recording all two phone conversations. It's funny, the lovely lady had the barefaced cheek to say I swore at her. I find it amusing because when called out on the fact that you have everything recorded they quickly retract and apologise for their 'mistake'.
Well the simple jilt of the conversation was that my ex was stopping contact and that they had carried out an 'assessment' as they do whenever the police are called to an incident with a young person involved. I use assessment loosely as I was told that it wasn't one. All I had to do is point them to the title on the page. Effectively the assessment was carried out without any input from myself or a visit or anything. They just published a load of factious points that was presented by my ex. How they can do that is beyond me.

Several months have passed and My ex moved out the area. No idea where my daughter is and the solicitor obviously cannot tell me. I've tried agreeing to everything from mediation sessions,to drug tests. Pretty much anything my ex has requested I've complied with in the hopes of regaining contact. To this date she has not suggested one viable option for contact. She keeps pleading that i'm violent and aggressive and therefore need supervised contact. I thought facts were suppose to be established because currently every organisation, Police,social services, even my solicitor pretty much lap up this bull and have branded me with a label that i have not earned. What annoys me the most about this, is the fact is discredits women that have endure relationships of bullying and torment. To be perfectly honest my ex is just making a mockery out of this whole system. The system just continues to reward her.

My biggest barrier is the financial side. My ex has a very wealthy family that think money can buy everything. I work extremely hard and have a pretty good wage but these costs are just mounting up. I have my own place that i rent so pay for your standard bills then i'm paying child support, solicitor fees, the court cost and now with the latest suggest of a contact centre. The cost for that are mental, £130 REFFERAL FEE THEN £66.70 AND HOUR. HOW CAN THEY JUSTIFY THAT? Im just at my wits end and after missing her fourth birthday just feel like giving up. I can't bare manage a single day i'm without her. Nothing seems to go in my favour and I get so angry at the fact there is absolutely no justice. I have cataloged everything, every single piece of correspondence, every text you name it i have it.

Lastly I've only just found out that my work are letting me go for being off with depression and I just have no energy left to fight it. I'm truly broken and have never felt anything like this. I whole heartily would not even wish this upon my greatest enemy, I'm so drugged up on antidepressants its unbelievable and nothing will make this pain remotely bearable...

Topic starter Posted : 02/09/2014 2:21 pm
Reputable Member Registered

Hi mate. i'm really sorry to hear of your despair, its not dissimilar to the feelings that consume me almost every waking minute, a total desperation to see my son and do right by him. I know in my heart that a relationship with him is in his best interest and ill not bore you with my situation which as awful as it is, is not as bad as yours and i'm making some headway which will result in us having a relationship despite the best attempts of his 'mother'.

In your case, tough as it is, if the contact centre option is being offered, you have to try and find the money and take it and jump through the hoops placed in front of you. it might be a winding road to your ultimate type of residential access relationship but its at least the 1st mile in the marathon.

At the end of each session, it will be very upsetting but you will at least have the next session to sustain you compared to just now. Do what is asked of you, illustrate what I can clearly see from your post, a bright articulate young man who would be a credit to his child and who's influence would be a huge positive in the little ones life.

A few short months ago, I truly couldn't contemplate my life continuing like this. I have made a bit of progress, sustained by my current to infrequent meetings with my child but i'm getting there as like you, i'm showing that my involvement is a benefit to my child and clearly in the best interest.

I and others are here for you. We know the pain, we know the trauma but above all like you, we know that if we do what is asked, we will get there in the end and be the fathers we deserve to be.

Re your depression, medicate that in part by getting the contact centre organised if its being offered. If not, contact mediation and ask them to write on your behalf to your ex. Small steps, steps that will seem like they lead nowhere but they will.

Take care of yourself...

Posted : 02/09/2014 4:26 pm
Eminent Member Registered

Thank you Sir for your kind words. I'll try and keep it short and sweet but i'm just having one of those days.

It's strange because in my world I feel completely alone like no one else has ever or is ever going through what i am currently experiencing.I will take the advice on board but as you may be fully aware having to swallow these decisions even though you know you aren't in the wrong is pretty hard to take. I've definitely learnt to admit when i'm wrong, but I don't recall ever being right but still not getting the acknowledgement for it.

I have a quick update which I didn't explain in my rant. I have already applied a while back for a child arrangements order and have this afternoon received a confirmed court day. Pretty excited! (Not sure if anyone has said that about court.) Although I wish for the very best outcome i'll settle on expecting the worst then at least I won't be disappointed with the decision. With the amount of paperwork I have managed to organise and compile they would be blind to not see through what is going on.

In regards to contact with my ex it is all done through my solicitor, I have no number or address for her and she flat-out refused to have any further dealings with mediation.

I wish you all the best in your endeavors and am hopeful for a positive outcome to your situation.

I'll be sure to update this when I have one as to share my experience of the family courts.

Topic starter Posted : 02/09/2014 10:13 pm
PETER9702 and PETER9702 reacted
Reputable Member Registered

snap im having a [censored] of a day as well. I am going back to court this month too, having been a few times before. I think this time I am going to get a decision that grants me overnight stays based on the legal advice I'm getting.

One word of warning, I too was very excited for my 1st court date.. Despite my best efforts at telling myself not to get to carried away, I got swept away on a vision of this being resolved the 1st time, the court would see, as is the case, im a reasonable person with my kids best interest at heart and common sense would prevail. I made progress which has basically got me into this better position for this month but faced with another wait to come back, I left the court with a sense of devastation having built my hopes up.

I would go with the mindset that its a progressive step and its likely you'll have to navigate a bureaucratic process that will drive you insane. The principle is sensible enough in that caution is uppermost in the courts mind. Ironic that in a lot of cases, same caution would result in partners who deny access for no reason other than for being vindictive being seen for what they are doing but it doesn't happen or if it does it would be quicker to navigate the globe having hitched a ride on the back of a geriatric snail.

Stick in, try and tell yourself when you wake up tomorrow your 1 day closer to resolving. I try, it doesn't always work but I try...

Posted : 02/09/2014 10:28 pm
PETER9702 and PETER9702 reacted

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